1.1 Background
A power distribution system is similar to a vast network of rivers. It is important to
remove any system faults so that the rest of the power distribution service is not
interrupted or damaged. When a fault occurs somewhere in a power distribution system,
the voltage is affected throughout the power system. Among various power quality
problems, the majority of events are associated with either a voltage sag or a voltage
swell, and they often cause serious power interruptions.
A voltage sag condition implies that the voltage on one or more phases drops below
the specified tolerance for a short period of time. A voltage swell condition occurs when
the voltage of one or more phases rises above the specified tolerance for a short period of
time. The causes of voltage sags and swells are associated with faults within the power
distribution system. Users located a close distance to the fault experience voltage sags
much greater in magnitude and duration than users located farther away, and as the
electrical system recovers after removing the fault, voltage swells are produced
throughout the system for short periods of time. Often all users who are served by the
power distribution system have power interruptions during a fault because of the effects
of a voltage sag or voltage swell produced in the system by the fault. The objective of
this research is to develop a novel voltage control scheme that can compensate for
voltage sag and swell conditions in three-phase power systems.
Power systems supply power for a wide variety of different user applications, and
sensitivity to voltage sags and swells varies widely for different applications. Some
applications such as automated manufacturing processes are more sensitive to voltage
sags and swells than other applications. For sensitive loads, even a voltage sag of short
duration can cause serious problems in the manufacturing process. Normally, a voltage
interruption triggers a protection device, which causes the entire branch of the system to
shut down.
A voltage sag supporter utilizing a PWM-switched autotransformer
Dong-Myung Lee ; Habetler, T.G. ; Harley, R.G. ; Rostron, J. ; Keister, T. Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual
Volume: 6
DOI: 10.1109/PESC.2004.1354751
Publication Year: 2004 , Page(s): 4244 - 4250 Vol.6
Cited by: Papers (5)
IEEE Conference Publications
A Voltage Sag Supporter Utilizing a PWM-Switched Autotransformer
Dong-Myung Lee ; Habetler, T.G. ; Harley, R.G. ; Keister, T.L. ; Rostron, J.R. Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on
Volume: 22 , Issue: 2
DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2006.890004
Publication Year: 2007 , Page(s): 626 - 635
Cited by: Papers (28)
IEEE Journals & Magazines