“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

segunda-feira, 30 de outubro de 2023

Isolated DC-DC Power Converters for Simultaneous Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries: Research Review, Design, High-Frequency Transformer Testing, Power Quality Concerns, and Future-----Srinath Belakavadi Sudarshan and Gopal Arunkumar

Isolated DC-DC Power Converters for Simultaneous Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries: Research Review, Design, High-Frequency Transformer Testing, Power Quality Concerns, and Future-----Srinath Belakavadi Sudarshan and Gopal Arunkumar 

The transportation industry is transitioning from conventional Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICVs) to Electric Vehicles (EVs) due to the depletion of fossil fuels and the rise in nontraditional energy sources. EVs are emerging as the new leaders in the industry. Some essential requirements necessary for the widespread adoption of EVs include sufficient charging stations with numerous chargers, less to no wait time before charging, quick charging, and better range. To enable a quicker transition from ICVs to EVs, commercial organizations and governments would have to put in a mammoth effort, given the low number of installed chargers in developing nations such as India. One solution to lower the waiting time is to have multiple vehicles charging simultaneously, which might involve charging two- and four-wheelers simultaneously, even though their battery voltage ratings differ. This paper begins by providing the details of the power sources for EV charging, the charging levels and connector types, along with the specifications of some of the commercial chargers. The necessity of AC-DC converters in EV charging systems is addressed along with the power quality concerns due to the increased penetration of EVs. Next, a review of the existing research and technology of isolated DC-DC converters for simultaneous charging of EV batteries is provided. Further, several potential isolated DC-DC converter topologies for simultaneous charging are described with their design and loss estimation. A summary of the existing products and projects with simultaneous charging features is provided. Finally, insight is given into the future of simultaneous charging.


domingo, 29 de outubro de 2023

Power Electronics Converters and Regulators (Language: English) Authors: Branko L. Dokic , Branko Blanusa


Novos desafios para a Eletrônica de Potência com o advento das redes inteligentes-Dr. JOSE NTENOR POMILI-UNICAMP-SÃO PAULO-BRASIL


Técnicas de control para la conexión en paralelo de inversores aplicadas a convertidores de interconexión entre los buses de CC y CA de microrredes híbridas e inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de alta potencia---DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA ELECTRÓNICA Grupo de Sistemas Electrónicos Industriales

Técnicas de control para la conexión en paralelo de inversores aplicadas a convertidores de interconexión entre los buses de CC y CA de microrredes híbridas e inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de alta potencia-
DEPARTAMENTO DE INGENIERÍA ELECTRÓNICA Grupo de Sistemas Electrónicos Industriales
 Tesis Doctoral Presentada por: Marian Liberos Mascarell 
Dirigida por: Dr. Emilio Figueres Amorós Dr. Gabriel Garcerá Sanfelíu Valencia, Abril 2021 UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE VALENCIA 

En este trabajo se proponen técnicas de control específicas para la paralelización de inversores sin transformador conectados a red, en aplicaciones de interconexión de buses de microrredes híbridas e instalaciones fotovoltaicas de gran potencia. La paralelización de inversores presenta múltiples ventajas como la modularidad, la redundancia o la flexibilidad para ampliar la potencia de un sistema o de una instalación. En el caso de inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados, también permite la conexión/desconexión de módulos inversores conectados en paralelo permitiendo una mayor eficiencia global cuando se trabaja a bajas potencias. Sin embargo, la paralelización de inversores provoca la aparición de corrientes de circulación que pueden provocar efectos indeseables en el sistema o en la instalación. Las contribuciones que se llevan a cabo en esta tesis están todas ellas orientadas a la mejora de la operación de inversores en paralelo en las aplicaciones descritas y son las siguientes: 1) Se presenta un modelo preciso en pequeña señal de n inversores conectados en paralelo con filtro de conexión a red LCL, en el cual se tienen en consideración los términos de acoplamiento entre fases de los inductores trifásicos. 2) Se propone una técnica de control en la que se emplean n-1 lazos de regulación que controlan la componente homopolar de las corrientes e imponen un valor nulo en régimen permanente, a fin de eliminar las corrientes de circulación. 3) Se propone el uso de moduladores en espacio vectorial de tres dimensiones (3D-SVM) para implementar el control de la componente homopolar de las corrientes. 4) Se muestran resultados analíticos, de simulación y experimentales que validan el esquema de control propuesto considerando la aparición de corrientes de circulación debido a distintos factores: desbalanceo de inductancias entre las fases de un inversor y de distintos inversores, desbalanceo de potencia entre inversores y empleo de modulaciones distintas en los inversores conectados en paralelo. Los ensayos experimentales se realizan sobre un convertidor trifásico de 10 kW formado por la conexión en paralelo de dos módulos de 5 kW cada uno. 5) Se muestran resultados de simulación y experimentales de la aplicación de las técnicas de reducción de corrientes de circulación a convertidores de interconexión entre los buses de alterna y continua de microrredes híbridas. Los ensayos experimentales se particularizan a un convertidor trifásico de 7.5 kW formado por un módulo de 5 kW y otro de 2.5 kW conectados en paralelo, emulando una eventual ampliación de potencia del 50 %. 6) Se lleva a cabo el estudio por simulación de un sistema fotovoltaico de 2 MW compuesto por cuatro inversores de 500 kW conectados en paralelo, demostrando que el control de las componentes homopolares de las corrientes reduce en gran medida el valor de las corrientes de circulación y mejora el desempeño de la instalación. 7) Por último, se propone una técnica de control para mejorar la eficiencia global de inversores fotovoltaicos centralizados de potencia elevada, el cual se basa en la utilización de modelos funcionales bidimensionales de eficiencia para activar/desactivar los módulos de potencia en función del punto de operación del campo fotovoltaico.

In this work they have been proposed specific control techniques for the parallelization of transformerless inverters connected to the grid in two specific applications: i) the interlinking converter between ac and dc bus of hybrid microgrids and ii) high power photovoltaic farms. Paralleling of inverters presents some advantages as modularity, redundancy or flexibility for increasing the power of a system or of a plant. In photovoltaic centralized inverters, the parallel inverters can be connected and disconnected in order to improve the global efficiency when the system works at low power. However, the inverters paralleling causes the appearance of circulating currents which can produce undesirable effects in the system or in the plant. The contributions that are carried out in this thesis are all of them aimed at improving the operation of parallel inverters in the described applications and they are as follows: 1) It has been presented an accurate small signal model of n parallel inverters with an LCL grid filter, in which the mutual coupling terms of the three-phase inductors has been considered. 2) It has been proposed a control technique with n-1 control loops that control the zero-sequence current component by setting a zero value in steady state, looking for eliminating the circulating currents. 3) It has been proposed the use of three-dimension space vector modulator (3D-SVM) to implement the zero-sequence currents control. 4) The analytical results have been validated by means of simulation and experimental results, showing the performance of the proposed control scheme considering the appearance of circulating currents due to different factors: i) inductor imbalances between the phases of an inverter or ii) between different inverters, iii) power imbalances between inverters and iv) the use of different modulation techniques in the parallel inverters. The experimental tests have been carried out on a 10 kW three-phase converter composed by the parallel connection of two 5 kW modules. 5) They have been shown both simulation and experimental results of the application of circulating current reduction techniques to interlinking converters between the DC and the AC buses of hybrid microgrids. The experimental tests have been particularized to a 7.5 kW three-phase converter
composed by a 5 kW and a 2.5 kW module connected in parallel, emulating an eventual 50 % power expansion. 6) Is has been carried out the simulation study of a 2 MW photovoltaic system composed by four 500 kW inverters connected in parallel, showing that the control of the zero-sequence currents greatly reduces the value of the circulating currents and improve the system performance. 7) Finally, it has been proposed a control technique for the improvement of the global efficiency of high power photovoltaic centralized inverters, which is based in the use of bidimensional functional efficiency models to activate/deactivate the power modules according to the operation point of the photovoltaic farm.

sexta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2023

Ebook: Inversores Fotovoltaicos conectados à rede-ENSAIOS E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMAS FOTOVOLTAICOS PARA APOIO AO SETOR DE ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS DO RS, aprovado no Edital 01/2016 – Programa de Apoio aos Pólos Tecnológicos da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (SDECT/RS)


Essa cartilha virtual é resultado do projeto ENSAIOS E DESENVOLVIMENTO DE SISTEMAS FOTOVOLTAICOS PARA APOIO AO SETOR DE ENERGIAS RENOVÁVEIS DO RS, aprovado no Edital 01/2016 – Programa de Apoio aos Pólos Tecnológicos da Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (SDECT/RS), Convênio DCIT 62/2016. Autores: 

Prof. Leandro Michels – UFSM (organizador) Prof. Lucas Vizzotto Bellinaso – UFSM

 Henrique Horst Figueira – UFSM 
Ricardo Jochann Franceschi Bortolini – UFSM 
Débora de Moura Steinhorst – UFSM
 Alexandre Torres Ruschel – UFSM 
Lucas Gais Gularte – UFSM
 Alisson Mazzorani Vieira – UFSM 
Igor Antônio Baldissera de Bitencourt – UFSM 
Mateus Nava Mezaroba – URI/Erechim 
Equipe do projeto: Prof. Dr. Leandro Michels (coordenador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. José Renes Pinheiro (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Hélio Leães Hey (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Cassiano Rech (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Cassiano Rech (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Luciano Schuch (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dra. Morgana Pizzolato (pesquisadora) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Jorge Rodrigo Massing (pesquisador) – UFSM Prof. Dr. Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara (pesquisador) – UNISC Apoio: Sonnen Energia Ltda - EPP DISTRIBUIÇÃO ONLINE GRATUITA Todos os direitos autorais estão reservados aos autores.

quarta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2023

Projeto de um transformador de potência de média frequência (kHz)- Pedro Filipe Francisco Reis-Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores


Projeto de um transformador de potência de média frequência (kHz) Pedro Filipe Francisco Reis

 Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores
Neste trabalho são apresentadas as equações necessárias para realizar o projeto de um transformador. São elaboradas considerações acerca da escolha do material do núcleo e dos enrolamentos de forma a minimizar os problemas introduzidos pelo caracter de média frequência do transformador. São calculados os parâmetros do transformador que se pretende construir tendo em conta as especificações iniciais. É apresentado o modelo do transformador e os seus parâmetros são estimados a partir de equações teóricas. Os parâmetros são estimados também recorrendo a um analisador de redes e ensaiando o transformador (ensaios em circuito aberto, curto circuito e carga). Um mapa de rendimento do transformador é apresentado. É elaborada uma simulação de simulink do transformador, usando os parâmetros estimados nos ensaios, de forma a validar os resultados obtidos.

In this paper are described the equations needed to design a transformer. Some considerations about the choice of the core and windings materials are made, due to the medium frequency character of the transformer and are presented solutions to the problems. The parameters of the prototype to build are calculated and the prototype is mounted. The model of the transformer is presented and its parameters are estimated theoretically, with an impedance meter and testing the transformer in open circuit, short circuit and load condition. An efficiency map of the transformer is made. A Simulink simulation of the transformer, using the parameters obtained in the tests, is made to validate the results obtained before.





Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de projeto de transformadores para uso em freqüência elevada, utilizados em fontes de alimentação chaveadas. A partir de estudos analíticos sobre os principais parâmetros envolvidos no projeto, a metodologia definida é implementada através do desenvolvimento de um programa computacional. A implementação de tal programa é feita tomando como suporte básico o software Borland Delphi, que combina uma interface gráfica, um compilador Pascal e um banco de dados. Dentre os objetivos deste trabalho destaca-se a otimização conjugada à facilidade no projeto do transformador, além da precisão e da possibilidade de se considerar parâmetros que normalmente são desprezados, muito embora importantes. O programa implementado é composto por telas de projeto, telas para seleção de materiais, um algoritmo matemático e bancos de dados. Dentre os bancos de dados destacam-se o dos materiais ferrimagnéticos (ferrites) de alguns fabricantes, e o dos núcleos, onde tem-se todas as características necessárias do mesmo. Desta forma o usuário dispõe rapidamente de informações decisivas no projeto e que, dada a estrutura do programa, podem ser completadas e atualizadas. Para a verificação dos projetos feitos via programa computacional, montou-se um inversor ponte completa, onde o transformador tem uma onda quadrada simétrica em seu enrolamento primário. A partir dos resultados obtidos experimentalmente comprova-se a eficácia do programa, a facilidade no projeto do transformador, bem como um funcionamento adequado do mesmo, validando desta forma a metodologia de projeto adotada.


domingo, 22 de outubro de 2023

단상 반도체 변압기의 출력 전력 전향 보상을 통한 과도 응답 개선 = A Transient Response Improvement by Output Power Feedforward Compensation for Single-Phase Solid-State Transformer--Bang Jaehyeon Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate School of Konkuk University-



A Transient Response Improvement by Output Power Feedforward Compensation for Single- Phase Solid-State Transformer Bang Jaehyeon
Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate School of Konkuk University 

This paper proposes a output power feedforward compensation method for Dual Active Bridge(DAB) converter based 2-stage single-phase solid-state transformer. Solid-State Transformer(SST) is a bidirectional power converter which is capable of electrical isolation between input and output stage. SST enables the connection of DC power sources such as PV panels, Fuel Cells, and ESS much easier compared with conventional transformers by forming DC bus. Each stage of SST composes of AC-DC converter and isolated DCDC converter. Especially, DAB converter, which has advantages of galvanic isolation with high frequency(HF) transformer, facility of bidirectional operation, and ease of realizing soft switching, is regarded as one of the most fundamental elements in SST. In contrast to conventional PWM converters, DAB converter controls output power by adjusting the phase shift between output voltage of two H-bridges. 70 For designing output voltage feedback controller, small signal model of DAB converter derived from output power equation with phase reference DAB d is applied. Also, bandwidth limitation caused by 120Hz power ripple in DC-link voltage controller, which induces unequal input and output voltage ratio compared with turns ratio of HF transformer, is described. For eliminating this voltage decoupling with current peak rising of leakage inductor, output power-based feedforward compensation method for DC-link voltage controller is proposed. Furthermore, the effectiveness of feedforward term is identified by confirming the reduction in output impedance of converter based on small signal model. In comparison of experimental results, proposed method verified the improvement in transient DC-link voltage decrease by 24.8% and leakage inductor current peak increase by 27.7% during load step input. It also yielded improvement in DC-link voltage increase by 23% while unload transient. Keyword : Solid-State Transformer(SST), Dual Active Bridge(DAB) converter


domingo, 15 de outubro de 2023

배터리 에너지 저장 시스템에 사용되는 전력 변환 시스템의 디지털 제어 Digital Control of Power Conversion System Used in Battery Energy Storage System-Wan, Kim Department of Marine Electronic, Communication and Computer Engineering, Graduate School, Mokpo National Maritime University

 Digital Control of Power Conversion System Used in Battery Energy Storage System
 BY Wan, Kim 
Department of Marine Electronic, Communication and Computer Engineering, Graduate School, Mokpo National Maritime University (Supervised by Professor : Kwang-Woon, Lee) 

To operate the electric power supply system more efficiently and stably, the utilization of battery energy storage system (BESS) is increasing. By using BESS, the residual electrical energy can be stored at low power demand times and the stored electrical energy can be released at high power demand times. Therefore, BESS can counteract the frequency fluctuation of the electric power system due to load variations. In addition, BESS can be utilized to make stable operation of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation. An electric power conversion system is used in BESS and it consists of bidirectional dc-to-dc converters and dc-to-ac inverters; the role of the bidirectional dc-to-dc converters is to charge and discharge the batteries and the dc-to-ac inverters are employed for grid connected energy conversion. A digital control is generally used to control the electric power conversion system of BESS and typical digital control strategy is based on the small signal model of the electric power conversion system. However, it is known that the small signal model based digital control is vulnerable to the operating point variations because the small signal model is obtained at a specific operating point. The purpose of this paper is to present a stable digital control strategy for the electric power conversion system of BESS, insensitive to operating point variations. This paper presents a design method for the power conversion system of BESS, wherein an average model based control is employed to solve the problem of the conventional small signal model based control. To compare the performance of the proposed control method with the conventional small signal model based controller, the single input and single output (SISO) controller design tool of MATLAB is utilized. For this purpose, the small signal model of the bidirectional dc-to-dc converter is derived and the SISO tool based digital controller is designed to obtain the specific bandwidth and phase margin. The time and frequency domain responses of the proposed average model based controller are obtained using a PSIM software and the obtained results are compared with the responses of the conventional small signal model based controller to show the improved transient control performance of the proposed method. To prove the effectiveness of the proposed method, the proposed control method is implemented using a digital signal processor (DSP).

quarta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2023

A comprehensive design approach for a three-winding planar transformer Shenli Zou1 Chanaka Singhabahu2 Jianfei Chen2 Alireza Khaligh2

A comprehensive design approach for a three-winding planar transformer 

Shenli Zou1 Chanaka Singhabahu2 Jianfei Chen2 Alireza Khaligh2 

1Electric Power Conversion, Rivian Automotive,
Inc, USA
2Maryland Power Electronics Laboratory (MPEL),
Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Institute for Systems Research,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland,


In this paper, a new three-winding planar transformer design with the integrated leakage inductor is proposed for a triple-active-bridge converter. It enables two output voltage levels: a high voltage (HV) output port and a low voltage (LV) output port. The primary and secondary windings are split unevenly in both side legs while the tertiary winding is connected in parallel. The unique winding configuration enables: (i) enhanced efficiency with low volume; and (ii) suppressed parasitic capacitances. Detailed transformer reluctance and loss models are developed in the design process. The core geometry is optimized using a reluctance-model-based mathematical computation. Moreover, comprehensive high-fidelity simulations are conducted to analyse the trade-offs among parasitic capacitances, losses, and inductances. The customized core and the non-overlapping winding boards are assembled, characterized, and tested under various power flow conditions.

domingo, 8 de outubro de 2023

Full-SiC Integrated Power Module Based on Planar Packaging Technology for High Efficiency Power Converters in Aircraft Applications O. Raab, M. Guacci, A. Griffo, K. Kriegel, M. Heller, J. Wang, D. Bortis, M. Schulz, J. W. Kolar

Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS 2020), Berlin, Germany, March 24-26, 2020 

Full-SiC Integrated Power Module Based on Planar Packaging Technology for High Efficiency Power Converters in Aircraft Applications O. Raab, M. Guacci, A. Griffo, K. Kriegel, M. Heller, J. Wang, D. Bortis, M. Schulz, J. W. Kolar 

Full-SiC Integrated Power Module based on Planar Packaging Technology for High Efficiency Power Converters in Aircraft Applications Oliver Raaba , Mattia Guaccib , Antonio Griffoc , Kai Kriegela , Morris Hellerb , Jiabin Wangc , Dominik Bortisb , Martin Schulza , and Johann W. Kolarb aSiemens AG, Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany bPower Electronic Systems Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland cDepartment of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK 

 Compact, light-weight, efficient and reliable power converters are fundamental for the future of More Electrical Aircraft (MEA). Core elements supporting the electrification of the aerospace industry are power modules (PMs) employing exclusively SiC MOSFETs. In order to fully exploit the high switching speeds enabled by SiC, and to address the challenges arising from the parallelization of power devices, novel PM concepts must be investigated. In this paper, highly symmetrical layouts, low inductance planar interconnection technologies, and integrated buffer capacitors are explored to realize a high efficiency, fast-switching, and reliable full-SiC PM for MEA applications. A comprehensive assessment of a number of performance metrics against state-of-the-art full-SiC PMs demonstrates the benefits of the proposed design approach and manufacturing technologies. Moreover, by integrating temperature and current sensors, intelligent functions, which are crucial for the safe application of power electronics in MEA, are added to the developed PM. In this context, the use of MOSFETs’ Temperature Sensitive Electrical Parameters for online junction temperature estimation is demonstrated, allowing for non-invasive, i.e. without the need for dedicated sensors, thermal monitoring. Additionally, a highly compact gate driver, reducing the overall system volume and complexity, is designed and integrated in the housing of the PM. Finally, switching waveforms are measured during operation of the PM at 500V and 200A, proving the performance improvement enabled by the low inductance layout, the integrated snubber, and the gate driver.

sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2023

The MEGACube 166kW/20kHz Medium-Frequency Transformer


The MEGACube 166kW/20kHz Medium-Frequency Transformer 

High power DC-DC conversion constitutes the key enabling technology for the implementation of solid-statetransformers. Within these high-power DC-DC converters, the Medium Frequency (MF) transformer is one of the main components, as its task is to provide the primary to secondary isolation and the step-up ratio between the different voltage levels. Several options for the construction of this MF transformer have been reported with different considered core materials, winding arrangements, isolation concepts and thermal management, whereby the main realizations will be revised in this paper. Thereafter, the details of a 166kW/20kHz MF transformer will be presented together with the designed test-bench utilized for the continuous testing of the transformer.

Design and Experimental Analysis of a Medium-Frequency Transformer for Solid-State Transformer Applications M. Leibl, G. Ortiz, J. W. Kolar


Design and Experimental Analysis of a Medium-Frequency Transformer for Solid-State Transformer Applications Michael Leibl, Member, IEEE, Gabriel Ortiz, Member, IEEE, and Johann W. Kolar, Fellow, IEEE 

 Abstract— Within a solid-state transformer, the isolated dc–dc converter and in particular its medium-frequency transformer are one of the critical components, as it provides the required isolation between primary and secondary sides and the voltage conversion typically necessary for the operation of the system. A comprehensive optimization procedure is required to find a transformer design that maximizes power density and efficiency within the available degrees of freedom while complying with material limits, such as temperature, flux density, and dielectric strength as well as outer dimension limits. This paper presents an optimization routine and its underlying loss and thermal models, which are used to design a 166 kW/20 kHz transformer prototype achieving 99.4% efficiency at a power density of 44 kW/dm3. Extensive measurements are performed on the constructed prototype in order to measure core and winding losses and to investigate the current distribution within the litz wire and the flux sharing between the cores.

quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2023

Fast Charging, State of Charge Estimation, and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery for Smart Battery Management System = 스마트 배터리 관리 시스템을 위한 리튬 이온 배터리의 급속충전, 충전 상태 및 잔여 수명 예측


Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Fast Charging, State of Charge Estimation, and Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Battery for Smart Battery Management System]
 BY Muhammad Umair Ali-February 2020
 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Graduate School Pusan National University 


Due to the escalation in environmental pollution and energy prices, electric vehicles (EVs) have widely explored in the past few years. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) are the different variants of EVs. These EVs consist of energy storage and the motor system as the auxiliary or primary energy source (FCEVs and PHEVs) or the sole energy source (BEVs). The lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are preferred as an energy storage system because of its longlife cycle, reliability, high energy density, low toxicity, low self-discharge rate, high power density, and high efficiency. In EVs, a smart battery management system (BMS) is one of the essential components; it not only measures the states of battery accurately but also ensures safe charging/discharging operation and prolongs the battery life. The issues of accurate estimation of the state of charge (SOC), remaining useful life prediction (RUL), and reduction in charging time of the Li-ion battery is still a bottleneck for the commercialization of EVs because the Li-ion battery is a highly time-variant, non-linear, and complex electrochemical system. In this dissertation, a novel fuzzy logic and temperature feedback-based method, Lagrange multiplier approach, and partial discharge data (PDD) based support vector machine (SVM) model are presented for reduction of the charging time, SOC estimation, and RUL prediction of the Li-ion battery, respectively. This dissertation comprises of four studies, each of which constitutes a step towards a smarter BMS for EV applications. The first study proposes an efficient, real-time, fastcharging methodology of Li-ion batteries. Fuzzy logic was adopted to drive the charging current trajectory for series-connected Li-ion batteries. The voltage and temperature of the cells were fed to the controller to find the optimal charge current value within the safe temperature limit. A temperature control unit was also implemented to evade the effects of fast charging on the aging mechanism. The proposed method of charging also protects the battery from overvoltage and overheating. Extensive testing and comprehensive analysis were conducted to examine the proposed charging scheme. The results show that the proposed charging strategy favors a full battery recharging in 9.76% less time than the conventional constant-current–constant-voltage (CC/CV) method. The methodology charges the battery at a 99.26% SOC without significant degradation. The entire scheme was implemented in real-time, using Arduino interfaced with MATLABTM Simulink. This decrease in charging time assists in the fast charging of cell phones and notebooks and the large-scale deployment of EVs. The second work presents a new online data-driven battery model identification method, where the battery parameters are updated using the Lagrange multiplier method. A battery model with unknown battery parameters was formulated in such a way that the terminal voltage at an instant time step is a linear combination of the voltages and load current. A cost function was defined to determine the optimal values of the unknown parameters with different data points measured experimentally. The constraints were added in the modified cost function using the Lagrange multiplier method, and the optimal value of the update vector was determined using the gradient approach. An adaptive open-circuit voltage (OCV) and SOC estimator was designed for the Li-ion battery. The experimental results showed that the proposed estimator is highly accurate and robust. The proposed method effectively tracks the time-varying parameters of a battery with high accuracy. During the SOC estimation, the maximum noted error was 1.28%. The convergence speed of the proposed method was only 81 s with a deliberate 100% initial error. Owing to the high accuracy and robustness, the proposed method can be used in the design of a smarter BMS for real-time applications. In the third work, the sensitivity analysis is performed for the first and second-order RC autoregressive exogenous (ARX) battery model to check the influence of voltage and current transducer measurement uncertainty. The sensitivity analysis is performed under the following conditions: Current sensor precision of ±5 mA, ±50 mA, ±100 mA, and ±500 mA and voltage sensor precision of ±1 mV, ±2.5 mV, ±5 mV, and ±10mV. The comparative analysis of both models under the perturbed environment has been carried out. The effects of the sensor’s sensitivity on the different battery structures and complexity are also analyzed. Results show that the voltage and current sensor sensitivity has a significant influence on SOC estimation. This research outcome assists the researcher in selecting the optimal value of sensor accuracy to accurately estimate the SOC of the Li-ion battery for a smarter BMS. In the last work, a novel partial discharge data (PDD) based support vector machine (SVM) model is proposed for RUL prediction. The proposed algorithm extracts the critical features from the voltage and temperature of PDD to train the SVM models. The classification and regression attributes of SVM are utilized to classify and predict accurate RUL. The different ranges of PDD were analyzed to find the optimal range for training the SVM model. The SVM model trained with optimal PDD features classifies the RUL into six different classes for gross estimation, and the support vector regression is used to estimate the accurate value of the last class. The classification and predictive performance of SVM model trained using the full discharge data and PDD are compared. Results show that the SVM classification and regression model trained with PDD features can accurately predict the RUL with low storage pressure on BMS. The PDD-based SVM model can be utilized for online RUL estimation in Li-ion battery BMS.