Aalto university
school of electrical engineering HELSINKI FINLAND
Abstract of the
master's thesis
Author: Esa Nummijoki
Title: Automatic Test System for Type Tests
of the Uninterruptible Power Supply
Date: 27.3.2012 Language: English
Number of pages:10+59
Department of Electrical Engineering
Professorship: Industrial Electronics Code: S-81
Supervisor: Prof. Seppo J. Ovaska
Instructor: M.Sc. (Tech.) Risto Karola
Testing is an essential part of product development. In UPS product development,
di erent tests are made every day. Testing requires large variety of measurement
instruments and other equipment such as large load systems and di erent kind of
test con gurations. Signi cant number of performed tests are based on the UPS
type tests de ned in the IEC-62040 standard.
Testing consumes a lot of time and that way also resources. To solve this problem,
an automatic test system for type tests is considered. The aim of this thesis was
to clarify the need for the automatic test system, and clarify requirements needed
to realize it.
The work was done by reviewing the type tests and di erent parts of an automatic
test system. In addition, an experimentation was made, resulting a prototype.
The prototype is able to automatically perform an indicative e ciency test for
the UPS. Furthermore, a possibility to automate the most complex type test, a
dynamic output performance test, was examined. This examination resulted a
description of the test process and LabVIEW programs, supporting the execution
of the test. However, the conclusion was that it is not sensible to automate
the test, due to the fact that it is not often performed and automating the test
requires a lot of time and resources.
The review and the experimentation proved that realization of an automatic test
system, able to perform all the type tests, requires large amount of time and
resources. Due to this, the automatic test system for type tests is not the best
solution to reduce the time and resources consumed by testing.
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segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2012
domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012
Space Vector PWM Control for 3kW Brushless Motor Driver Design and Application for Novel Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicles
In recent years, owing to the environmental protection concept has risen and
global warming, it is important to reduce the environmental pollution. If the merits
of both internal combustion engine and permanent magnet synchronous motor
(PMSM) can be integrated to become a hybrid electric vehicle, it must have
ultra-low pollution and energy-saving but still keeping high performance.
For this reason, the central purpose of this thesis is to develop a novel parallel
hybrid electric vehicle system driver and controller. Electronic motor control
systems used by extremely versatile digital signal processor (DSP). The important
space vector pulse-width-modulation (SVPWM) technology is applied to the PMSM
control to provide more efficiency of the hybrid electric vehicle. The SVPWM
technology is also guarantees the system to be stable with better performance.
Subsequently, by way of experiment results have proved the SVPWM technology
provides more and more performance of the PMSM and the SVPWM technology
have been applied in hybrid electric vehicle with high efficiency.
Finally, a prototype of the hybrid electric heavy-duty motorcycle has been
established and it has been exhibit on the “Taipei international automobile
electronics show” at the Taipei world trade center in 2007.
In recent years, owing to the environmental protection concept has risen and
global warming, it is important to reduce the environmental pollution. If the merits
of both internal combustion engine and permanent magnet synchronous motor
(PMSM) can be integrated to become a hybrid electric vehicle, it must have
ultra-low pollution and energy-saving but still keeping high performance.
For this reason, the central purpose of this thesis is to develop a novel parallel
hybrid electric vehicle system driver and controller. Electronic motor control
systems used by extremely versatile digital signal processor (DSP). The important
space vector pulse-width-modulation (SVPWM) technology is applied to the PMSM
control to provide more efficiency of the hybrid electric vehicle. The SVPWM
technology is also guarantees the system to be stable with better performance.
Subsequently, by way of experiment results have proved the SVPWM technology
provides more and more performance of the PMSM and the SVPWM technology
have been applied in hybrid electric vehicle with high efficiency.
Finally, a prototype of the hybrid electric heavy-duty motorcycle has been
established and it has been exhibit on the “Taipei international automobile
electronics show” at the Taipei world trade center in 2007.
sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2012
Guia de carreiras: engenharia elétrica
Muito se fala do aumento da demanda por engenheiros civis no Brasil, mas as grandes obras de infra-estrutura, impulsionadas pelo crescimento econômico e os grandes eventos esportivos mundiais que o país vai hospedar nos próximos anos, também têm aquecido o mercado de outras engenharias, entre elas a elétrica. "Quando você tem metrô expandindo, estádios de futebol, trens, aeroportos, você precisa ter um sistema de energia elétrica para
Muito se fala do aumento da demanda por engenheiros civis no Brasil, mas as grandes obras de infra-estrutura, impulsionadas pelo crescimento econômico e os grandes eventos esportivos mundiais que o país vai hospedar nos próximos anos, também têm aquecido o mercado de outras engenharias, entre elas a elétrica. "Quando você tem metrô expandindo, estádios de futebol, trens, aeroportos, você precisa ter um sistema de energia elétrica para
atender tudo isso", explicou Fábio Bergamini Tangerino, de 32 anos.
Formado em engenharia elétrica pela Universidade Federal de Itajubá (Unifei), Tangerino atualmente trabalha como supervisor de engenharia na Alstom Grid, em um projeto de energia hidrelétrica do Rio Madeira, na Região Norte do país.
Segundo ele, o engenheiro eletricista é o profissional responsável pela construção e manutenção de sistemas de geração, transmissão e distribuição de energia elétrica. Sua atuação acontece principamente em empresas e indústrias que fabricam ou usam equipamentos elétricos e sistemas de automação. Alguns exemplos incluem grandes construtoras, fabricantes de sistemas elétricos e aparelhos eletrônicos, além das empresas que prestam serviço de telecomunicações ou possuem linhas de montagem.
Atualmente há muita demanda por engenheiros que trabalham com subestações, linhas de transmissão e sistemas de automação e controle. "Não tem muitos profissionais qualificados no mercado e todas as empresas do setor encontram dificuldade para encontrar", diz Tangerino.
quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2012
AeroDesign SAE BRASIL - Making off
O projeto SAE AeroDesign é um desafio lançado aos estudantes de Engenharia que tem como principal objetivo propiciar a difusão e o intercâmbio de técnicas e conhecimentos de Engenharia Aeronáutica entre estudantes e futuros profissionais da engenharia da mobilidade, através de aplicações práticas e da competição entre equipes. Ao participar do projeto SAE AeroDesign o aluno se envolve com um caso real de desenvolvimento de projeto aeronáutico, desde sua a concepção, projeto detalhado, construção e testes. No Brasil o projeto recebe o nome de Competição SAE BRASIL AeroDesign.
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