“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2020

리튬이온 배터리와 슈퍼커패시터를 이용한 전기 휠체어용 급속충전 장치 설계 = Design of Fast Charger for Electric Wheelchair using Lithium Ion Battery and Super capacitor

Design of Fast Charger for Electric Wheelchair using Lithium Ion Battery and Super capacitor 
Author Kim Do-Hyun 
Department of Electrical Engineering, Graduate School Pusan National University 

Electric wheelchair uses a lithium ion battery and lead battery. It has a relatively long charging time of about 6 hours when charging slowly. In addition, in the case of a conventional electric charger for a wheelchair, the charging speed is 12 to 15 A, which is rapidly charged to about 2 hours at a relatively low current. This paper proposes a quick charging device for electric wheelchair using LLC resonant converter to solve the problem of long charging time. The LLC resonant converter operates in the ZVS region during rapid charging. The lithium-ion battery charges in the CC-CV mode, and the super capacitor charges in the CC mode. We propose an algorithm to compensate the transient state of CC-CV mode conversion of Li-ion battery. Instead of the lead battery used in the existing electric wheelchair, we compared the fast charge time trend of the super capacitor and the lithium ion battery according to the charging current. The charging time of the proposed rapid charging device has a charging time of less than one hour. In addition, it was confirmed that the lithium ion battery and the super capacitor can be used together or the charge time can be pulled when the super capacitor is used alone.

Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos (Portuguese Edition) (Portuguese) 2nd Edition by Marcelo Bueno (Author), Andre Koch Torres Assis (Author) UNICAMP BRASIL

ESTE LIBRO ESTA DISPONÍVEL NA WEB PELO SEU AUTOR : M. Bueno e A. K. T. Assis, "Cálculo de Indutância e de Força em Circuitos Elétricos" (Apeiron, Montreal, segunda edição, 2015), 209 páginas, ISBN: 9781987980011. Livro em formato pdf (1,2 Mb)

Premiação do Professor Dr.Eng. Ivo Barbi em 2020 “IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award” DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA E ELETRÔNICA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL SANTA CATARINA

O Professor Ivo Barbi foi homenageado em 2020 com o prêmio “IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award” que é oferecido pela sociedade IEEE Power Electronics Society a personalidades que contribuíram decisivamente para o avanço da Eletrônica de Potência no mundo. A sociedade do IEEE homenageia uma pessoa por ano com este prêmio e é um reconhecimento mundial pelas atividades de pesquisa em uma área. 
Maiores detalhes da premiação está no link abaixo: 

Ivo Barbi’s innovative concepts for soft-switching converter technologies have reduced the stresses encountered during operation of power equipment, providing smoother and more efficient results for applications including telecommunications, radar, and laser power-supplies. Compared to hard switching, where stress occurs because current and voltage may not be at zero, soft switching enables switching at zero voltage (ZVS) and zero current (ZCS). He helped develop a three-level ZVS-pulse-width-modulation dc-dc converter, which changed the field by bringing the advances of ZVS to converters that can handle higher voltage levels. He also proposed new topologies impacting telecom energy systems including a three-phase/level unidirectional PFC rectifier to feed the three-level ZVS-PWM dc-dc converter for compactness and a two-state switching cell for one of the most efficient telecom power supplies over the last 10 years. An IEEE Life Fellow, Barbi is an Emeritus Professor with the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil.


segunda-feira, 13 de julho de 2020

Configurações e modos de operação dos inversores híbridos e seus requisitos técnicos para operação on-grid e off-grid Prof. Lucas Vizzotto Bellinaso, GEPOC/UFSM

Configurações e modos de operação dos inversores híbridos e seus requisitos técnicos para operação on-grid e off-grid Prof. Lucas Vizzotto Bellinaso, GEPOC/UFSM

Palestra ministrada no 19 de novembro de 2015 das 8h30 às 18h00 Auditório Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres da STI/USP - Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Travessa 3, número 71, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo.
O EVENTO Workshop Inversores Híbridos com Sistemas de Armazenamento de Energia No contexto das atividades de difusão e socialização de conhecimentos do Projeto P&D ANEEL-0068-0029/2011 da CTEEP/CESP, o Workshop foi promovido pelo Laboratório de Sistemas Fotovoltaicos do Instituto de Energia e Ambiente da Universidade de São Paulo – LSF-IEE/USP, em conjunto com o Grupo Setorial Fotovoltaico da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica – GSFV/ABINEE e contou com o apoio do Grupo de Eletrônica de Potência e Controle da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – GEPOC/UFSM e da Fundação CPqD – Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Telecomunicações - CPqD.

sábado, 11 de julho de 2020

Robust Renewable Energy System with Proper PCS Based on Bidirectional DAB Converter Topology and Uninterruptible Energy Storage System by Muhammad Adil Khan -Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering The Graduate School Pusan National University

Robust Renewable Energy System with Proper PCS Based on Bidirectional DAB Converter Topology and Uninterruptible Energy Storage System 
by Muhammad Adil Khan Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy August 2018 
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 
The Graduate School Pusan National University

 ABSTRACT In the modern era, there is an increasing demand to utilize renewable energy resources (RES) due to the depletion of conventional energy resources. This research endeavor reports selection of an optimal RES system with the proper power conditioning system. Despite recent advances in RES systems, these systems are still more costly than conventional energy resources. Among them the use of solar photovoltaic (PV) electric systems is growing rapidly in the sustainable renewable energy market and is expected to play an important role in the future sustainable energy mix. Reducing the price of solar PV systems has been a constant challenge. For the first time, this study examines the effectiveness of three different structures/materials: (i) silvered glass plane mirror; (ii) convex spherical mirrors; and (iii) aluminum (Al) foil as reflector. Comparative analysis of four different cooling techniques, i.e., water sprinkling system, passive heat sink method, active air fan method, and closed loop method, for enhancement of output power was performed. A novel Bi reflector solar PV system (BRPVS) was suggested to control the working of the reflectors. The Al foil enhanced the power output compared to the others. In addition, the effect of using a reflector on the temperature of a solar PV system was studied. High operating temperatures resulted in a decrease in the maximum output power under the same solar radiation conditions. The combined enhancement of the output power by both Al foil BRPVS system and cooling system was almost 22.75– 38.55%. The dual active bridge isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter (DAB-IBDC) is one of the prime converters used in dual active bridge renewable energy storage system (RESS) applications, particularly where a high-power density is required. A 2 kW, 50 kHz digital control dual active bridge isolated bi-directional dc-dc converter (DAB-IBDC) was developed for interfacing the supercapacitor bank in standalone solar power system. A blended SPS-ESPS digital control algorithm was used for DAB-IBDC converter instead of using a traditional single-phase shift (SPS) control algorithm, which is commonly used for large input to output voltage varying applications. The proposed blended SPS-ESPS control algorithm achieved high power conversion efficiency during a large input to output voltage variation, over a traditional phase shift control algorithm by reducing the back-power flow and current stress in a circuit. A novel uninterruptible and environmental friendly solar-wind hybrid energy system (HES) for remote area having closed loop cooled-solar system (CLC-SS). The results validate that the optimized system’s energy cost (COE) is 0.26 $/kWh and the net present cost (NPC) of the system is $7110.53. Moreover, reducing the charging time of an electric wheelchair using a hybrid electric system (HES) composed of a supercapacitor (SC) bank and a lithium-ion battery with a fuzzy logic controller (FLC)-based fast charging system for Li-ion batteries and a fuzzy logic-based intelligent energy management system (FLIEMS) for controlling the power flow within the HES is detailed analyzed. The fast charging FLC was designed to drive the voltage difference (Vd) among the different cells of a multi-cell battery and the cell voltage (Vc) of an individual cell. These parameters (voltage difference and cell voltage) were used as input voltages to reduce the charge time and activate a bypass equalization (BPE) scheme. BPE was introduced in this research so that the battery operates within the safe voltage range. The charging time was reduced by 13.13 %, 12.26%, 13.60%, and 19.23% for IC, 1.5C, and 2.0C, respectively, using FLC charger discussed in this research compared with conventional CC-CV charging.