Design and Analysis of Maintenance Free Lead Acid Battery System Used in UPS Pratik Roy, Student Member, IEEE, Varun Kumar Vats, Student Member, IEEE and Pronay Kumar Chakrobarty, Student Member, IEEE
Abstract—Voltage interruption can be happened by several
reasons like blackout, brownout, noise, spike etc. Those incidents
have consequential effect on computer’s hardware such as data
losses, burning of sensitive equipment etc. So, UPS broadly called
an uninterruptible power supply device is used in computer to
provide a backup power source which will maintain the
consistency in voltage and flow of electricity which in turn will
provide consistent power input. Batteries are used as energy
storage device in UPS which store electric energy during
charging state and discharge that electric energy during any kind
of interruption to provide backup as additional power source for
the computer. So, the most important integral part of UPS is the
battery pack which is used as energy storage device in UPS. Main
goal of this paper is to design the suitable battery pack for UPS
so that it can give maximum backup range to the computer
within a certain economical range or cost limit. Also, another
goal is to analyze the electrical and thermal parameters of the
designed battery pack and cell and suggest better solutions to
make the wet battery cell maintenance free (no need of addition
of water).