“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

sábado, 26 de outubro de 2019

Control and management strategies of smart grid swith high penetration of renewable energy -Elvira Amicarelli-Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble INP dans l'École Doctorale Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique & Traitement du Signal.

Control and management strategies of smart grid swith high penetration of renewable energy Elvira Amicarelli .

THÈSE Pour obtenir le grade de DOCTEUR DE LA COMMUNAUTE UNIVERSITE GRENOBLE ALPES Spécialité : Génie électrique  Présentée par Elvira Amicarelli 
Thèse dirigée par Quoc Tuan TRAN et codirigée par Seddik BACHA préparée au sein du Laboratoire de Systèmes Electriques Intelligentes du CEA-INES et du Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Grenoble INP dans l'École Doctorale Electronique, Electrotechnique, Automatique & Traitement du Signal. Stratégie de gestion des réseaux électriques à fort taux de production renouvelable distribuée Thèse soutenue publiquement le 16 Octobre 2017, devant le jury composé de : M. Jean Paul GAUBERT Professeur, Université de Poitier, Président Mme Zita VALE Professeur, Institut Polytechnique de Porto, Rapporteur Mme Manuela SECHILARIU Professeur, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Rapporteur M. Phuong NGUYEN Assistant Professeur, Université technique d’Eindhoven, Examinateur M. Quoc Tuan TRAN Professeur, INSTN, CEA-INES, Directeur de thèse M. Seddik BACHA Professeur, Université de Grenoble-Alpes, Co-Directeur de thèse M. Nicolas MARTIN Ingénieur de Recherche, CEA-INES.


I.1. Energy Scenarios: Opportunities and Challenges The use of various forms of energy contributed to exponential development of the human quality of life during the last two centuries. During this societal growth, fossil fuels have driven all energy-based technologies. Since, the coal-era advent, the world’s demand for electricity continued to escalate and has continued to do so till date. In fact, statistics affirm that during the next few decades the social and industrial development of China will induce a tremendous growth in China’s electricity demand; greater than the total current demand in the United States of America and Japan taken together [1]. Furthermore, the diffusion of new electricity-based technologies, such as electrical vehicles, will increase the electricity demand in industrialized regions, such as Europe and United States as well which will lead to an overall proliferation of electricity demand in the world. The increase in electricity consumption is an important factor which impels to think and plan judiciously the amount and the type of energy resources to use in the future. Moreover, increase in consumption combined with pressing topics like global warming, availability of resources and electricity costs are also driving politicians and scientists around the world to find solutions to these impending threats. In fact, the use of conventional energy resources is repeatedly questioned because of its numerous harmful implications on the society and environment. The reliable and economical accessibility of these resources have become a cause of concern for many countries around the world. In fact, fossil fuels are located only in restricted regions in the earth and are subjected to political agreements and relations. Their availability and price often reflect political tensions between important geographical regions, and pose a huge risk for both developed and developing countries alike. Moreover over the last decades, extraction of conventional fuels have become increasingly harder and often led to huge debate between governments, environmentalists, extraction companies and health experts. Discussions on reserve-water pollution and man induced earthquakes due to shale gas extraction is a current example. Furthermore, the analyses of the consequences of climatic change are generating huge public and political awareness and inciting in these actors the need to take actions in this aspect. Exclusion of environmental factors can no longer be afforded while taking political and economic decisions. Hence, many developed countries have decided to fix a climate goal in order to limit the earth from warming more than 2 °C. In 2016, the carbon dioxide emissions from the electricity sector in USA alone had amounted to about 1 million and 800 thousand metric tons, which accounts for about 35% of the total emissions in USA [3]. Furthermore, statistics suggest that a huge part of these emissions originate from coal based technologies [3]. In Europe, critical scenarios in conventional energy resources and the frightful projections in climate change are subjects of great public concern. Hence in 2007, the EU established the development of a low-carbon economy in order to challenge this fuel-based economy and limit greenhouse gas emissions. The EU energy directive takes action not only on the increase in Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in the production mix but also focuses on the increase in energy efficiency. Between 2004 and 2013, the EU countries efforts can be seen by considering their investments. Statistics estimates that they had invested around 600 billion $ in renewables and fuels growth especially by policy support [4].

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2019

Dr.Fernando Lopez Aramburu postula al Decanato de la Facultad de Ingenieria Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria-Lima-PERU-29 de Octubre 2019

 Dr.Fernando Lopez Aramburu 

Es com grande satisfacción presentar a toda la Comunidad Académica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria el plan de trabajo 2019- 2013 del Dr.Fernando Lopez Aramburu candidato a Decano,el es un distinguido profisional con una trayectoria brillante de profesor con un metodo personal inédito de enseñar,autor de libros de Circuitos Eléctricos,lo conozco personalmente desde hace muchos años,es un candidato que tiene como su pasión la Ingenieria Eléctrica y Electrónica desde São Paulo Brasil le doy todo mi apoyo personal y profesional siempre buscando elevar el nivel de la Ingenieria Eléctrica y Electrónica a nivel nacional e internacional,pienso que la UNI tiene muchos talentos mas  mucho estudio y trabajo es necesario para alcanzar el suceso,un grande saludo a toda la comunidad académica de la UNI.



terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2019

Urban-Type Green Energy Tower System of Vertical Wind Power Generation Adapted with Solar PV and Wind Augmentation Device-Cho, Young-Tae Department of Environmental , Urban and chemical Engineering Graduate School, Chungbuk National University

Urban-Type Green Energy Tower System of Vertical Wind Power Generation Adapted with Solar PV and Wind Augmentation Device 

Cho, Young-Tae

 Department of Environmental , Urban and chemical Engineering Graduate School, Chungbuk National University Cheongju, Korea

 Supervised by Professor Kim, Jae-Yong
A thesis for the degree of Doctor in February 2019

 Most energy resources that are currently being used are based on fossil fuels. However if continuously consumed at this amount, there are only enough reserves left for 40 years of oil consumption, 200 years of coal consumption and 60 years of LNG consumption. To prepare for the future, there is a great need for the development and expansion of new renewable energy. Due to global environmental regulations and soaring price of oil the development, expansion of an alternative energy source is in full swing. To fulfill the climate agreement a worldwide energy revolution from fossil fuels to low carbon, clean energy is taking place. Countries are focused on reducing fossil fuel consumption and on expanding the new renewable energy industry. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts 12 trillion dollars of investment in fields like new renewable energy, electric vehicles, energy storage system (ESS), and smart grids(intelligence power grids). In the case of South Korea, the importance of new renewable energy is on the rise, connected to the current government policy of suppressing nuclear power and reducing ultra fine dust particles. To prepare for this situation our only option would be to replace fossil fuels with solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy. New renewable energy can be renewed unlike fossil fuels and is non depletable. Also it is a environmentally friendly clean energy that has low carbon emissions. Compared to fossil fuels new renewable energy requires higher initial development costs and continuous research and development. However there are less constraints on where they can be installed. Renewable energy consists of renewable energy like sunlight, solar , geothermal, water, wind, marine, bio, and waste and also new energy like fuel cell, liquid coal gas, and hydrogen energy. The investment and attention for solar and wind energy is especially high which is noteworthy. Solar energy is a very important future energy source and combined with our world class semi conductor technology, it could create high added value as a next generation strategic export industry. To achieved this goal the promotion of an institutional strategy and the development of key technologies is necessary. The technological development of wind power generation began in the early 1990s. It is drawing the most attention world wide because wind energy has the fastest tech growth and lowest unit generation cost among other clean energy sources. In 2004 7,976MW of energy was generated from win power world wide. It is growing 20% annually and it is estimated the 4GW of wind energy is reserved after 2010. South korea has announced that they plan to generate 20% of the nations’s energy from wind power by 2020. Thereupon, the need for a green energy tower, an urban-type power plant that converges solar and wind power for stable power production and energy storage through ESS, has come to the fore. However there is no utility in wind power generation in the inland and urban areas because South Korea’s average wind speed in falls short of 4m/sec. Therefore excluding the coastal and high mountain areas the installation and usage of wind power generators is nonexistent As you can see from South Korea’s plans for wind power generation, there is an urgent need for research and measures for inland and urban wind power generation. Therefore my research is on an urban-type green energy tower equipped with an energy storage system and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) control system, that converges solar power with an urban-type wind power generator that utilizes the difference in height and a wind augmentation device. For theoretical and experimental study, an experiment tower with a wind augmentations device and 1.5 KW and 3 KW vertical win turbines was constructed in Byeongcheon-myeon, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do. After conducting a MOCK-UP for one year, positive data was drawn. From this MOCK-UP experiment, it was found that efficient energy can be produced in the inland through a wind augmentation device that can generate power based on kinetic theory of gas, a vertical turbine that applies lift and drag, management of a gear box, and a stable energy storage system. Recently, vertical wind power generation has been used not only on the top of buildings, top of the Corral, streetlight but has been applied and utilized in various ways depending on where they are installed. Vertical wind power generators have simple inner structures and are easy to install and therefore globally many cases of commercialized vertical wind power generators with designs harmonious to urban buildings have been appearing. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate and present the effectiveness and validity of urban-type green energy towers utilizing solar power and wind augmentation devices.


 key words : Solar Power Generation, Vertical Wind Power Generators, Green Energy Tower, Wind Augmentation Device.

Competências Necessárias Aos Engenheiros Recém Formados Para Inserção No Mercado De Trabalho-Ana Carolina da Silva Bispo ,Tatiana Pereira de Abreu ,Silvino Santos

Competências Necessárias Aos Engenheiros Recém Formados Para Inserção No
Mercado De Trabalho

 No mundo globalizado em que vivemos, o cenário do mercado de trabalho muda a cada segundo, algumas ocupações vem sendo extintas e outras criadas. Diante desse cenário, competências especificas são exigidas, assim como, dilemas de carreira fazem parte da vida profissional. O objetivo principal deste artigo é investigar quais competências são necessárias para que os engenheiros recém formados possam construir, de forma bem sucedida, a transição da graduação para o mercado de trabalho e descrever os desafios aos quais são submetidos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza quantitativa e do tipo descritiva. Pelos dados obtidos observou-se que as competências necessárias ao engenheiro recém formado, vão além das competências técnicas apreendidas em sua formação. O engenheiro recém formado deverá ser um profissional que agrega valor econômico à organização e valor social a comunidade, assim como, apresentar estratégias de desenvolvimento e capacitação após a graduação.
 Palavras Chaves: Competências. Engenheiros Recém Formados. Mercado de Trabalho

 1 -Introdução
Na última década, percebe-se que as empresas estão mudando suas estratégias, redefinindo seus mercados e repensando suas estruturas com uma velocidade muito grande. As mudanças sempre ocorreram, mas parece que recentemente o ritmo tem ocorrido de forma acelerada. As empresas estão vivenciando o rápido desenvolvimento nas áreas econômica, tecnológica e social, o que tem impacto direto na gestão de pessoas, no trabalho e, particularmente, no planejamento e gestão de carreiras (BARUCH, 2011). Segundo Machado (2007), essas constantes mudanças ambientais, organizacionais e tecnológicas têm gerado a necessidade de um profissional polivalente, com acentuada capacidade de adaptação aos novos contextos de trabalho. Com a expansão tecnológica, o trabalhador assume um novo perfil e algumas características tais como criatividade, flexibilidade e inovação começaram a fazer parte do cenário organizacional. Esta reestruturação do mercado gera uma necessidade de constante aperfeiçoamento e busca por competência profissional. O processo de formação e desenvolvimento de competências tem sido percebido como mais complexo do que a mera qualificação do profissional. (BARROS E PAIVA, 2013). Hoje, as habilidades técnicas adquiridas na faculdade não bastam, é preciso ir além, se aperfeiçoar cada vez mais e aprimorar competências relacionadas ao comportamento e postura do profissional no mercado de trabalho. O engenheiro recém formado deverá ser proativo e dinâmico, acumular funções, saber trabalhar em equipe e gerir pessoas, assumir riscos e responsabilidades.

O cenário econômico hoje gera grande incerteza e ambiguidade, com arquiteturas organizacionais e de negócios cada vez mais complexas, com várias formas de se estabelecer relações de trabalho. O mercado, antes em ascensão, desaqueceu e o engenheiro recémformado ganhou seu diploma juntamente com uma nova e desafiadora realidade. O novo cenário assusta o recém-formado, menor disponibilidade de vagas e o aumento do número de candidatos tornam cada oportunidade mais competitiva e o mercado de engenharia mais agressivo. Assim, um caminho comum destes profissionais recém-formados é seguir em busca de desenvolver competências que possam ajudá-los a se destacarem dos demais. (VELOSO e DUTRA, 2007)

Sendo assim, surgiram novas alternativas para a construção de carreira e com as novas formas de ascensão profissional, a autogestão se faz necessária. O profissional assume papel cada vez mais estratégico e relevante nas organizações e sua gestão, devidamente suportada por teorias coesas e consistentes e, ainda, alinhada ao planejamento e à estratégia organizacional, deve se constituir em competência essencial no alcance dos objetivos e resultados organizacionais e individuais. (SOUZA e LEMOS, 2013)

As transformações no mercado de trabalho, na gestão das organizações e nas relações estabelecidas entre empresas e pessoas reforçaram a importância do debate e da pesquisa sobre as competências exigidas a esses profissionais que, ao saírem das universidades, chegam ao mundo corporativo. As novas formas de organização do trabalho passaram a requerer competências comportamentais e técnicas articuladas como respostas de adesão aos projetos organizacionais (MACHADO, 2007). Segundo Machado (2013), a constante busca por profissionais competentes é uma realidade contemporânea e cabe ao profissional de qualquer área estar preparado, caso contrário estará fora das exigências do mercado de trabalho. Uma alternativa para aumentar a confiabilidade dos engenheiros recém-formados ao chegarem ao mundo corporativo, consiste em desenvolver competências necessárias para o exercício de suas atividades. Assim, seria possível formar profissionais altamente qualificados, conjugando conhecimentos sobre as práticas organizacionais com uma capacitação em métodos e técnicas aprendidas na faculdade. Hoje, em plena fase da extinção do emprego, está se tornando imprescindível que o profissional, em especial o engenheiro, seja um empreendedor. O ensino e/ou a formação da cultura empreendedora favorece o desenvolvimento de importantes habilidades tais como: capacidade de trabalhar em equipe, capacidade de comunicação verbal e escrita, capacidade de realizar e apresentar ideias, administração do tempo, autonomia para aprender e habilidades técnicas gerais e específicas, conforme a área de interesse (POVOA, 2005).

 Nesse contexto, o conceito de competência refere-se à “capacidade da pessoa em assumir iniciativas, ir além das atividades prescritas, ser capaz de compreender e dominar novas situações no trabalho, ser responsável e ser reconhecido por isso” (ZARIFIAN, 1994, p.111). Dado o valor que um engenheiro recém-formado agrega ao mundo corporativo, poderia assumir que eles seriam bem sucedidos ao finalizarem suas graduações. No entanto, sob diversos aspectos, os primeiros anos da carreira podem se revelar como um período difícil e de ajustes ao perfil profissional (OLSEN E SORCINELLI, 1992).

 As novas tecnologias, as inovações no mercado e a união da economia, responsáveis pela ação do mercado de trabalho associada à produtividade, concorrência e qualidade não são experiências vivenciadas no período acadêmico. Hoje, um engenheiro torna-se rapidamente obsoleto, a menos que se mantenha sempre atualizado através de cursos e especializações. É fundamental que o profissional tenha a consciência da importância de se manter atualizado e dessa forma ser competitivo no mercado (SILVA,2002).

Cada vez mais, se exige do engenheiro soluções mais eficientes, econômicas, ergonômicas, ecológicas e principalmente mais humanitárias para os antigos problemas da sociedade (VALDIERO et al, 2006). A formação do Engenheiro hoje deve ser bem mais ampla do que era há poucos anos atrás, quando o que interessava era basicamente sua formação técnica. Hoje essa formação técnica/científica é somente um dos pré-requisitos para a atuação profissional. (POVOA, 2005).

Um dos maiores obstáculos para esse novo cenário na Engenharia Civil tem sido justamente a falta de pessoal adequado e habilitado para enfrentar os novos desafios que são impostos pelo mercado de trabalho, que valoriza o engenheiro multiespecialista, ao contrário do especialista (PÓVOA, 2003).

O número cada vez maior de competências exigidas pelo mercado tornam a vida do engenheiro civil recém-formado um desafio, principalmente nesse período pelo qual passa o país, cuja desaceleração da economia nacional tornou o mercado de trabalho mais competitivo. Isso torna necessário uma análise da trajetória do profissional recém-formado em Engenharia Civil. Sendo assim, inserido nesse contexto, o nosso objetivo deste artigo é apontar as competências necessárias para a inserção desses profissionais no mercado de trabalho. Através de pesquisa quantitativa, apresentamos quais as dificuldades os engenheiros recém formados tiveram e quais as competências necessárias para a inserção no mercado de trabalho após sair do ambiente acadêmico. Questionamos também se as habilidades e conhecimentos adquiridos na universidade são o suficiente para e engenheiro recém formado ingressar e estabilizar no mercado de trabalho.

Assim, o presente estudo dará às escolas de Engenharia a oportunidade de repensar suas grades, oferecendo a seus acadêmicos a formação adequada para serem competitivos no mercado de trabalho. O objetivo principal deste artigo é investigar quais competências são necessárias para que os engenheiros recém formados possam construir, de forma bem sucedida, a transição da graduação para o mercado de trabalho e descrever os desafios aos quais são submetidos. Dessa forma, a pesquisa feita através da aplicação de questionário, em ex-alunos de uma escola de Engenharia de Belo Horizonte, que se formaram no período de 2014 a 2016 identificou as competências necessárias, os desafios enfrentados por esses profissionais recém-formados e também analisou se a formação acadêmica foi suficiente para sua inserção no mercado de trabalho.

Revista Pensar Engenharia, v.5, n.2, Jul. 2017


domingo, 13 de outubro de 2019


Flávia Oliveira conversa com o professor da PUC-RS Rafael Prikladinicki sobre desenvolvimento tecnológico e parceria entre empresas e universidades.

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sábado, 12 de outubro de 2019

Electric Potential KOCW 공개 강의 - KONKUK UNIVERSITY

Based on the concept of engineering mathematics, learn static electric field and static magnetic field, steady current, and related problems. Apply the basic knowledge of the electromagnetism to electronics, electric engineering and device material engineering.

Electromagnetism -VECTOR FIELD- Sejong University Prof.Yongho Seo

전자기학 세종대학교 서용호 Electromagnetism- Sejong University -Yongho Seo

 Based on the concept of engineering mathematics, learn static electric field and static magnetic field, steady current, and related problems. Apply the basic knowledge of the electromagnetism to electronics, electric engineering and device material engineering.

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2019

Webinar: Universities of Applied Sciences Date: 10 Oct 2019 - 10 Oct 2019 Organizer: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Location: Online

Join our webinar "Universities of Applied Sciences" and chat with representatives to find out about career paths and opportunities for international scientists.

 Event details: "Research in Germany“-Webinar: Universities of Applied Sciences - Career paths and job opportunities Thursday, 10 October 2019,
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Hosted by: Anne Knab, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Panelists: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anant Patel, University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld Dr. Katja Simons, Campus OWL Dr. rer. nat. Dzemal Elezagic, University of Cologne/M.Sc.University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
 The event is open to anyone interested in doing research in Germany. It is free of charge and will be conducted in English. Webinar: Universities of Applied Sciences Date: 10 Oct 2019 - 10 Oct 2019 Organizer: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Location: Online

►►► Clich here to register!
No registration deadline: Registration is possible up until the end of the webinar.

domingo, 6 de outubro de 2019

Analysis and Modeling of Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Systems Kerekes, Tamas Faculty of Engineering, Science & Medicine at Aalborg University DENMARK

Analysis and Modeling of Transformerless Photovoltaic Inverter Systems Kerekes, Tamas Faculty of Engineering, Science & Medicine at Aalborg University DENMARK

 Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, Science & Medicine at Aalborg University in partial fulfillment of the require-ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering

This thesis is written in the frame of two research projects: the first, entitled “Transformerlose solcelle invertere”, was financially supported by the Eltra PSO-F&U contract nr. 5780 signed between Aalborg University and Energinet in cooperation with Powerlynx A/S, now Danfoss Solar A/S. The second part of the research, entitled “Electrical energy conversion and condition-ECON2”, was supported by the EU framework entitled “Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Researcher Train-ing”, financially supported by the EC Contract MEST-CT-2004-504243. Acknowledgements are given to Aalborg University and the above mentioned institu-tions for their financial support. The research was carried out under the supervision of Professor Remus Teodores-cu from Institute of Energy Technology (IET) at Aalborg University. My deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor for his guidance and professional support during the elaboration of the work done in this thesis. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Christian Klumpner and Dr. Mark Sumner for their guidance and support during my one-year stay at Nottingham University. I’m also grateful to Dr. Marco Liserre from Politecnico di Bari for his kindness and professional guidance during my six month stay at the Dipartimento di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica. I would also like to thank Uffe Borup, from Danfoss Solar A/S, for participating in the steering meetings and for his active support. I want to thank to all my colleagues from Institute of Energy Technology for their friendly companionship which guided me through life at Aalborg University. Special thanks go to Dr. Pedro Rodriguez and Professor Vassilios Agelidis for their un-selfish help and moral support, during their stay at IET. Also many thanks to all my fellow PhD students, who assisted me many times and gave me support in different ways. In particular, I thank to Dezső Séra, Mihai Ciobotaru and Máthé László for their friendly help and encouragement. I would also like to thank Gerardo Vazquez from Universitat Politecnica de Catalonya for sharing his experience and time with me during his visit at IET. And, last but not least, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my wife Erzsébet Kerekes and to my entire family in Romania for the substantial and conti-nuous support which I have received during the elaboration and finalization of this work. Tamás Kerekes August 2009; Aalborg


Analysis of Leakage Current Elimination in Single Phase Transformerless Inverter for Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Applications Indira , Venmathi Mahendran Research Scholar, Dept of EEE, Associate Professor, Dept of EEE St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Transformerless Inverter for Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Applications Indira D1, Venmathi Mahendran2 1Research Scholar, Dept of EEE, 2Associate Professor, Dept of EEE St.Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. 

In photovoltaic (PV) application, it is possible to remove the transformer from the PV system in order to reduce size, losses, and cost and improve the efficiency. Due to the characteristics of low cost and high efficiency, the transformerless PV gridconnected inverters have been popularized in the application of solar electric generation system in residential market. Unfortunately, presence of the parasitic capacitor between the panel’s metal frame and cells causes the leakage current issue. The leakage current increases current harmonics injected into the utility grid, the radiated, conducted EMI, and losses. Eliminating the leakage current is one of the most important issues for transformerless single-phase photovoltaic (PV) systems. This paper focuses on analysis of leakage current elimination in single-phase transformerless inverter for PV applications. A simple unipolar Sinusoidal Pulse-Width Modulation (SPWM) technique is used to modulate the inverter to minimize the switching loss, output current ripple, and the filter requirements.The main benefits of the proposed inverter are (1) The neutral of the grid is directly connected to the negative terminal of the PV panel, so the leakage current is eliminated, (2) low cost, (3) its compact size, (4) flexible grounding configuration, (5) capability of reactive power flow, and (6) high efficiency. A complete description of the operating principle and analysis of the proposed inverter are presented and simulation results are verified.
Keywords— Charge Pump Circuit, Grid Connected Inverter, Leakage Current Elimination, Photovoltaic, Transformerless Inverter, common mode voltage, parasitic capacitor, sinusoidal pulse width modulation, SPWM.

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2019

Designing a Solar PV System to Power a SinglePhase Distribution System Ana Guerra Vega University of Arkansas, Fayetteville

Designing a Solar PV System to Power a SinglePhase Distribution System Ana Guerra Vega University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 
 A thesis submitted to the Honors College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Honors Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Over the last decade, the costs of PV system components have dropped more than 70%. Additionally, green energy incentives like the 30% tax credit have been pushed forward. PV solar systems have become accessible to the general public. Companies are pledging to reduce their carbon emissions. As part of their green initiative, the City of Fayetteville has requested a feasibility study for a PV system to be installed on the rooftop of the Facilities Management building, 115 S. Church Ave, Fayetteville, AR, 72701. This thesis shows the design process of this PV system and the return on investment estimation. While the system would not be expected to generate large revenue, for the purpose of carbon emission reduction it is feasible.