“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

terça-feira, 29 de junho de 2021

Estudo de controladores aplicados a inversores para UPS com operação ilhada-Hildo Guillardi Júnior-Dissertação (Mestrado)–Universidade Estadual Paulista. Faculdade de Engenharia, Bauru, 2013-BRASIL



 Estudo de controladores aplicados a inversores para UPS com operação ilhada Bauru-SP 2013 MESTRADO EM ENGENHARIA ELÉTRICA unesp Hildo Guillardi Júnior

Esta dissertação apresenta o projeto, simulação e ensaio dos protótipos da etapa de saída de uma Fonte de Alimentação Ininterrupta (UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply) monofásica de tensão igual a 127V e trifásica com tensões 220/127V a 4 fios, ambas de frequência 60Hz e potência nominal igual a 1kVA para uso em operação ilhada. A validação da metodologia de projeto foi realizada primeiramente em simulação, e depois, experimentalmente utilizando-se diferentes tipos de cargas tipicamente encontradas em instalações elétricas e diferentes tipos de controladores clássicos: PI (Controlador Proporcional Integral), Ressonante e composição dos dois. Os ensaios experimentais consistiram em duas etapas, regime e transitório, na primeira sendo avaliado o comportamento estático do conversor com parâmetros como valor eficaz (RMS – Root Mean Square) e a Distorção Harmônica Total (THD – Total Harmonic Distortion) da tensão de saída e, na segunda, o comportamento frente à entrada e saída de cargas, evidenciando a estabilidade do controle. Nas duas etapas foram aplicados procedimentos normatizados de ensaios e os resultados foram comparados com os requisitos das normas aplicáveis a esse tipo de conversor. Como dispositivo de controle utilizou-se um Processador Digital de Sinais (DSP – Digital Signal Processing) de ponto fixo, responsável pelo cálculo do algoritmo de controle e leitura dos sinais de tensões e correntes do inversor; sendo avaliada sua capacidade de processamento frente à manutenção da qualidade e da frequência do sinal de saída. O projeto aponta a necessidade do controle multimalhas, ou seja, o controle da tensão mais corrente, devido à instabilidade criada em sua função de transferência ao alimentar as cargas não resistivas. Também é mostrada, em simulação, a possibilidade de trabalho da interface de potência do protótipo em outros propósitos: Retificador com Alto Fator de Potência (para recarga da bateria), Fonte de Corrente (para interconexão com a rede elétrica) e, utilizando a Teoria da Potência Conservativa (CPT – Conservative Power Theory), operação como Filtro Ativo Paralelo (compensador de distúrbios relacionados à corrente elétrica).

sábado, 19 de junho de 2021

위상 배열 무선 전력 전송 용 초고주파 마그네트론 주파수 및 위상 제어 Frequency and Phase Control of a Microwave Magnetron for Phased Array Wireless Power Transfer-Daejeon University of Science and Technology -2020

위상 배열 무선 전력 전송 용 초고주파 마그네트론 주파수 및 위상 제어 Frequency and Phase Control of a Microwave Magnetron for Phased Array Wireless Power Transfer 
 Author Kim Do-kyun Issues Daejeon University of Science and Technology Graduate School, 2020 Degree thesis matters Thesis (Master's)-- University of Science and Technology Graduate School : Energy and Power Conversion Engineering 2020.
 Year of issue 2020 
 writing language Korean 

Space solar power system (SSPS) requires to transfer electrical energy from space to the Earth. For this purpose, long-range wireless power transfer technology based on microwave phased array has been studied. The unit device for phased array system must have high energy conversion efficiency per volume. Magnetron based on vacuum electronics can be an optimal device that meets this requirement. Magnetron has higher DC-RF conversion efficiency than solid state devices have. But it suffers from frequency and phase noise so that it has limitations to using it as a unit device for a phased array system. In this paper, stabilization & control of 2.45 GHz Magnetron’s frequency and phase are reported. In order to stabilize the Magnetron oscillation frequency, we designed a high voltage filter for Magnetron power supply (SM445). Then we applied injection locking technique to control Magnetron’s frequency. A phase locking loop (PLL) is constructed for more precise phase stabilization. Phase stability of 0.3° is achieved by PLL based on injection locking technique. We expect our accomplishment can contribute to microwave-based phased array wireless power transfer.

sexta-feira, 18 de junho de 2021

태양전지의 모델링을 이용한 PCS 특성에 관한 연구 A Study on the Characteristics of PCS Using a Modeling of Solar Cells BY KIM SUNG-SOO Electrical & Electronic Major Semyung University Graduate School

태양전지의 모델링을 이용한 PCS 특성에 관한 연구 A Study on the Characteristics of PCS Using a Modeling of Solar Cells BY KIM SUNG-SOO Electrical & Electronic Major Semyung University Graduate School 
 In this paper, we modeled the devices used in PV system easily. Simulation tools use PSPICE to enable intuitive electrical circuit simulations. Simulations were also performed on the effects of temperature and spatial radiation that are easy to overlook when using solar cells using modelled libraries. In addition, for full operation of the photovoltaic system, a complete operation system for the DC-DC buck-boost converter and the MPPT(Maximum Power Point Tracking) control system was modeled and simulated to confirm good operation. In order to verify the operation of the simulation, we constructed an actual system with the same conditions in the simulation and experimented. As a result, we proposed a single-phase 3 kW grid-connected solar power converter. In addition to IGBT devices and GaN type MOSFETs We have obtained design data that can be diversified and increased in capacity considering the capacity. Especially, it is confirmed that GaN type MOSFET is the next generation switching device. It is possible to expand the switching frequency to 200 [kHz] and greatly reduce the size of the heat sink which can greatly improve efficiency and power factor. In future, it can be used as a stand-alone system with ESS using solar inverter, and it is possible to regenerate energy to the battery power side, and it has efficiency of 95% or more and energy saving effect is confirmed.

quarta-feira, 9 de junho de 2021

Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) on Multilevel Inverter with Modified PWM using Genetic Algorithm Lucky Pradigta S.R., Ony Asrarul Q., Zainal Arief, Novie Ayub Windarko Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya

Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) on Multilevel Inverter with Modified PWM using Genetic Algorithm Lucky Pradigta S.R., Ony Asrarul Q., Zainal Arief, Novie Ayub Windarko 

Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya 
International Journal of Engineering Technology
 In this research, modified PWM has been applied to the multilevel inverter (MLI) single‐phase three‐level diode clamp full bridge. Modified PWM is performed to produce minimum Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) the voltage because the quality of the good voltage is indicated by small THD. The THD indicates the quality of AC voltage source. The THD standard by the IEEE STD 519‐1992 Harmonic Voltage Limits is 5% and the Pacific Corp standard is 8%, if the THD value is greater than the THD standard it can cause the electronic load to be damaged due to the damaged waveform. Modified PWM is applied by adding a 50 Hz sinusoidal reference signal with a sinusoidal signal which has a certain amplitude, frequency and phase shift angle. The frequency of the adder signal is the frequency at which the value of the individual harmonic voltage appears (n harmonic). To get maximum result, optimization using Genetic Algorithm (GA) method to determinate amplitude & phase shift angle done. The result of implementation hardware with modified PWM shows smaller THD voltage compared to the THD voltage with Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation (SPWM) switching up to 0.19 or decrease 65,51 % for modified PWM of harmonic injection n = 7 with GA optimization ma= 0.8 (A=0.0936 and ø = 0 rad) and up to 0.08 or decrease 12,30 % for modified PWM of harmonic injection n = 22 with GA optimization ma = 0.4 (A=0.1221 and ø = 0 rad). 
Keywords: Multilevel Inverter, Modified PWM, Genetic Algorithm.

quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2021

Ruggedness of High-Voltage IGBTs and Protection Solutions by Thomas Basler Approved to obtain the degree of Doctor of Engineer. Technical University of Chemnitz

 Ruggedness of High-Voltage IGBTs and Protection Solutions by Thomas Basler Approved to obtain the degree of Doctor of Engineer. Technical University of Chemnitz 

Bibliographic information from the German National Library 
The German National Library lists this publication in the German National 
Bibliography; detailed bibliographical information is in the Available on the Internet at 
This work was supported by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information technology from the Technical University of Chemnitz as a dissertation Approved to obtain the degree of Doctor of Engineer. The work was written in English. Date of submission: September 10, 2013 Reviewer: Prof. Dr. Josef Lutz Prof. Dr. Steffen Bernet Dr. Roland Jakob Defense Day: February 28, 2014

Application-Oriented IGBT Requirements and Motivation of this Work

 This thesis was written at Chemnitz University of Technology in cooperation with General Electric Energy Power Conversion GmbH, former Converteam, in Berlin. Many of the tasks and problem-settings regarding the improvement of ruggedness of high-voltage IGBTs were derived directly from the industry partner and its 3-level medium-voltage converter application. This topology is widely used for industrial and traction applications [Ber00]. For the considered converter, 42-chip press-pack IGBTs with a voltage rating of 4.5 kV are used. The challenge was to investigate all possible IGBT short-circuit cases in this type of converter and to shift the complete converter protection concept to the optimum level. The interconnection between the gate unit and the IGBT and the surrounding circuit parameters like the stray and shortcircuit inductance were of special interest. In addition to the short-circuit topic, a solution should be found on how to protect the load of the converter (e.g. a large windmill generator) against asymmetric short-circuit currents and alternating torques, see Chapter 5. For this purpose, the surge-current mode of the IGBT is introduced and verified. It will be shown that this special mode can be handled by the IGBT without destruction or significant ageing. To meet the requirements and test conditions mentioned above, a singlechip test bench was constructed. New phenomena like the self-turn-off mechanism or special IGBT destructions under short-circuit and surge-current mode were studied in detail. Countermeasures were found to protect the IGBT and the complete power-electronic circuit and application from a possible destruction.