“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2022

Doctoral Dissertation A Three-Phase SCVD Based Boost Inverter with Low Common Mode Voltage for Transformerless Photovoltaic Grid-Connected System Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate School, Chonnam National University BY Tran Tan Tai

 This study deals with a new type of inverter called a three-phase SCVD based boost inverter. The introduced structure is a combination of an SCVD network and the three-phase bridge to restrict the common-mode voltage. Therefore, the introduced inverter can produce a high output voltage from the low input voltage. The DC-bus voltage of the introduced solution stands at twice of the input voltage. Moreover, the variation in common-mode voltage can o be restricted within one-sixth of DC-bus voltage. Modeling, circuit analysis, operating principles, and a comparison between the introduced SCVD based boost inverter with the other VSIs are performed. To confirm the performance improvements of the introduced SCVD based boost inverter, a preliminary prototype of the introduced SCVD based boost inverter is built in the laboratory and the simulation studies based on PLECS environment and experimental studies are performed. Besides that, a modified SCVD based boost inverter is also introduced to step up the DC-bus voltage to triple of input voltage instead of twice of input voltage like that in the proposed SCVD based boost inverter. Furthermore, a common-mode voltage of the modified SCVD based boost inverter is x canceled through switching the four extra active-switches based on the Boolean logic function. As a result, common-mode voltage is maintained as constant at the value of 0 V during all time. Moreover, the voltage stress across additional semiconductor devices is standing at one-third of DC-bus voltage. The simulation studies based on PLECS environment prove the effectiveness of the modified SCVD based boost inverter. Finally, to validate the performance, operating principle, and feasibility of the modified SCVD based boost inverter, the experimental studies based on the laboratory prototype with a DSP F280049C are carried out. Doctoral Dissertation A Three-Phase SCVD Based Boost Inverter with Low Common Mode Voltage for Transformerless Photovoltaic Grid-Connected System Department of Electrical Engineering Graduate School, Chonnam National University BY Tran Tan Tai (Abstract) This study deals with a new type of inverter called a three-phase SCVD based boost inverter. The introduced structure is a combination of an SCVD network and the three-phase bridge to restrict the common-mode voltage. Therefore, the introduced inverter can produce a high output voltage from the low input voltage. The DC-bus voltage of the introduced solution stands at twice of the input voltage. Moreover, the variation in common-mode voltage can o be restricted within one-sixth of DC-bus voltage. Modeling, circuit analysis, operating principles, and a comparison between the introduced SCVD based boost inverter with the other VSIs are performed. To confirm the performance improvements of the introduced SCVD based boost inverter, a preliminary prototype of the introduced SCVD based boost inverter is built in the laboratory and the simulation studies based on PLECS environment and experimental studies are performed. Besides that, a modified SCVD based boost inverter is also introduced to step up the DC-bus voltage to triple of input voltage instead of twice of input voltage like that in the proposed SCVD based boost inverter. Furthermore, a common-mode voltage of the modified SCVD based boost inverter is canceled through switching the four extra active-switches based on the Boolean logic function. As a result, common-mode voltage is maintained as constant at the value of 0 V during all time. Moreover, the voltage stress across additional semiconductor devices is standing at one-third of DC-bus voltage. The simulation studies based on PLECS environment prove the effectiveness of the modified SCVD based boost inverter. Finally, to validate the performance, operating principle, and feasibility of the modified SCVD based boost inverter, the experimental studies based on the laboratory prototype with a DSP F280049C are carried out.


sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2022

GaN MOSFET를 이용한 유도전동기 구동용 고효율 인버터에 관한 연구 = A Study on the high efficiency inverter for driving an induction motor using GaN MOSFET by Park, Sang-Yong- Dept. of Electronic Engineering The Graduate School Hanyang University


A Study on the High Efficiency Inverter for Driving an Induction Motor using GaN MOSFET Park, Sang-yong Dept. of Electronic Engineering The Graduate School Hanyang University
 It was proved in this paper that the efficiency of the inverter using GaN MOSFET ,which is regarded as a next generation power semiconductor, was much improved comparing the efficiency to the counterpart using the conventional Si MOSFET. Comparing the characteristics of GaN MOSFET to those of Si MOSFET, GaN MOSFET shows very low on resistance and very fast switching speed due to the high breakdown voltage and very small parasitic capacitances. Therefore, using GaN MOSFET as switching devices of the inverter, it is expected that the efficiency and characteristics of the inverter can be improved since the switching and conduction losses and switching noise can be reduced. In this paper, to demonstrate the superiority of GaN MOSFET to Si MOSFET, the inverter using GaN MOSFET for driving a 2.2 kW induction motor was fabricated. The design specification of the inverter fabricated is as follows: input voltage is 220 Vac, switching frequency is 20 kHz, and the operating frequency is 0 to 70 Hz. The fabricated inverter was tested and the normal operation of the inverter was confirmed. Finally the efficiency of the inverter was measured and the results of measured efficiency was compared to those of Si MOSFET inverter with the same specification as the GaN MOSFET inverter fabricated. From the comparison results, it is known that the efficiency of the GaN MOSFET inverter is superior to that of Si MOSFET inverter at the full range of load. The maximum efficiency of the GaN MOSFET inverter was measured as 98.41 %.