No Blog Eletrônica de Potência você encontrará informações sobre teses,artigos,seminarios,congressos,tecnologias,cursos,sobre eletrônica potência. “TEMOS O DESTINO QUE MERECEMOS. O NOSSO DESTINO ESTA DE ACORDO COM OS NOSSOS MERITOS” ALBERT EINSTEIN. Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the entire world. EL FUTURO SE CONSTRUYE HOY,EL SUCESSO NO ES FRUTO DE LA CASUALIDAD,SE HUMILDE ,APRENDE SIEMPRE CADA DIA.
As equações de Maxwell, também conhecidas como equações de Maxwell-Heaviside, são um conjunto de equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem como os campos elétrico e magnético se interagem e se propagam. Elas unificaram as teorias da luz e do eletromagnetismo, marcando um dos grandes avanços na física. Junto com a lei da força de Lorentz, as equações formam a base da teoria eletromagnética.
Simple Method to Estimate Battery Lifetime and Upkeep of Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion Batteries
Pedro C. Bolsi 1,2, Edemar O. Prado 1,2, Romario J. Nazaré 2, Hamiltom C. Sartori 1, José R. Pinheiro 1,2
1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS, Brasil
2Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador - BA, Brasil
ABSTRACT This work provides an event-oriented method to model and predict the lifetime of leadacid and lithium-iron phosphate batteries. An ampere-hour integration method is proposed to be used in conjunction with the event-oriented method to achieve higher accuracy. The methods are applied to lead acid and lithium-iron phosphate batteries on a commercial 1 kW single-office/home-office uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Additional circuits for measurements, or microprocessors are avoided to not increase the UPS cost, reducing its market competitiveness. The usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by an upkeep analysis based on the cost of the battery and the service time for each battery technology.
President of the Brazilian Association of Power Electronics (SOBRAEP) Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering at UFSC (PPGEEL) Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Isolated Single-stage Three-phase AC/DC Converter using Bidirectional Switches Ramandeep Narwal† , Isaac Wongx , Subhashish Bhattacharya‡ , B. Jayant Baliga§ and Douglas C. Hopkins∗ FREEDM Systems Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695, USA
Abstract—The advent of the SiC Bidirectional FET (BiDFET), a monolithic 1.2 kV bidirectional switch, has rendered the single-stage three-phase AC/DC converter topology a promising approach for implementing AC/DC converters. This topology, which integrates a full-bridge converter with a single-phase to three-phase matrix converter via a high-frequency transformer, is particularly suitable for applications requiring galvanic isolation, buck-boost functionality, and bidirectional power flow. The single-stage design eliminates the need for bulky and unreliable electrolytic capacitors, and utilizes a single magnetic component for power transfer. In the matrix converter, bidirectional switches, which were traditionally implemented using combinations of multiple semiconductor devices such as MOSFETs, IGBTs, and diodes, can now be realized using the single-chip solution, BiDFET. This advancement leads to a lower switch count, compact converter implementation, with lower inductance commutation cells, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and compactness of the system. The paper presents a unified model of the converter, considering all control parameters, including the duty cycles and phase shift of transformer voltages. Detailed expressions for power transfer, transformer currents, and currents at AC and DC ports are provided. Additionally, the paper outlines the conditions necessary for soft-switching of all switches and the commutation schemes required for the practical implementation of the matrix converter modulation scheme. A hardware prototype of a 10 kW, 480 VRMS, LL/ 800 V AC/DC system has been developed, and experimental results are presented to demonstrate its performance.
Twelve-Step Voltage Source Inverter: A Three-Phase Six-Levels Inverter Using Planar Transformers Haitham KANAKRI, Euzeli Cipriano DOS SANTOS JR., and Maher RIZKALLA
Abstract—Multi-level inverters (MLIs) are becoming increasingly popular in high-speed motor drive systems for modern electric aircraft applications. However, two significant limitations are associated with current MLIs technology: (1) the high switching losses due to the high carrier switching frequency and (2) the complex modulation schemes required to maximize the DC source utilization. Consequently, the development of new topologies to mitigate these limitations is imperative for the rapid advancement of future electric aircraft systems. This paper introduces a six-level twelve-step inverter (TSI) that utilizes twelve switches and three planar high-frequency transformers. Implementing the proposed configuration ensures maximum DC source utilization, with a peak phase voltage of 5Vdc / 3. The proposed solution presents less semiconductor losses than the conventional MLIs, surpassing conventional MLIs, associated with neutral point clamped (NPC), flying capacitor (FC), and cascaded H-bridge (CHB). Experimental results demonstrate the TSI’s operation under static and dynamic conditions and its capability to function in three different modes: three-step, six-step, and twelve-step operations. The paper also offers a comprehensive design of the proposed planar transformer, supported by theoretical analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), and experimental validation.
VIEW FULL TEXT WEB: Page 263-273