“Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant”

terça-feira, 4 de março de 2025

NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY 電磁理論 02 Maxwell and His Equations II Fundamental Concepts I

Please excuse me for some translation errors. The original language is in Chinese. I translated it using artificial intelligence, but like any software tool, it has its errors. Nothing is perfect.


As equações de Maxwell, também conhecidas como equações de Maxwell-Heaviside, são um conjunto de equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem como os campos elétrico e magnético se interagem e se propagam. Elas unificaram as teorias da luz e do eletromagnetismo, marcando um dos grandes avanços na física. Junto com a lei da força de Lorentz, as equações formam a base da teoria eletromagnética.

domingo, 2 de março de 2025

Learn LLC voltage loop test based on RIGOL DHO924S oscilloscope measurement




Um conversor LLC (do inglês, "Inductance-Inductance-Capacitance") é um tipo de conversor ressonante que inclui quatro blocos principais: os interruptores de potência, o tanque ressonante, o transformador e o retificador de diodo. Os conversores LLC são conhecidos por sua alta eficiência, baixa EMI (interferência eletromagnética) e alta densidade de potência, tornando-os ideais para aplicações onde essas características são críticas.

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2025

Optimal Design and Implementation of High-voltage High-power Silicon Steel Core Medium Frequency Transformer Pei Huang, Chengxiong Mao, Senior Member, IEEE, Dan Wang, Member, IEEE, Libing Wang, Yuping Duan, Jun Qiu, Guang Xu, and Huihong Cai

Optimal Design and Implementation of High-voltage High-power Silicon Steel Core Medium Frequency Transformer Pei Huang, Chengxiong Mao, Senior Member, IEEE, Dan Wang, Member, IEEE, Libing Wang, Yuping Duan, Jun Qiu, Guang Xu, and Huihong Cai 

Abstract—A 1.5 kV, 35 kW, 1 kHz silicon steel core medium frequency transformer is designed and prototyped for a 10 kV, 0.5 MW electronic power transformer. This transformer uses 0.18 mm silicon steel as core material due to the advantages of easy processing, high saturation flux density, low noise, and low cost. The detailed design considerations and an optimal design method are presented in this paper. Different from the previous work on medium frequency transformer design, the proposed approach takes ripples into account. Core loss model under square wave excitation with ripple and winding loss model considering sideband harmonics are established. Besides, 2D finite element simulations are adopted to obtain ac/dc resistance factors. Finally, the proposed approach is verified by experiments on prototype. The test results show performance better than expected, with efficiency over 99% and power density of 2.9623×106 W/m3.

segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2025

Processo de fabricação de transformador trifásico (Dongguan Wenbian Electric)

Processo de fabricação de transformador trifásico (Dongguan Wenbian Electric)


Transformador trifásico-Dongguan Wenbian Electric

Transformador trifásico-Dongguan Wenbian Electric


Processo de produção de transformador toroidal [Dongguan Wenbian Electric]

Processo de produção de transformador toroidal [Dongguan Wenbian Electric]


Enrolamento do transformador monofásico (transformador monofásico Dongguan Wenbian Electric

Enrolamento do transformador monofásico (transformador monofásico Dongguan Wenbian Electric


Transformador de controle monofásico BK-3.5-Dongguan Wenbian Electric

 Transformador de controle monofásico BK-3.5-Dongguan Wenbian Electric

quarta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2025

Overview on Battery Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles Pierpaolo Dini * , Sergio Saponara and Antonio Colicelli


Overview on Battery Charging Systems for Electric Vehicles Pierpaolo Dini * , Sergio Saponara and Antonio Colicelli Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Via Girolamo Caruso n.16, 56100 Pisa, Italy

 Abstract: Catalyzed by the increasing interest in bi-directional electric vehicles, this paper delves into their significance and the challenges they encounter. Bi-directional electric vehicles not only serve as transportation but also function as essential electricity resources. Central to this energy revolution are On-Board Chargers (OBCs), which are pivotal in converting alternating (AC) energy into direct (DC) energy and vice versa. In this context, we explore the various circuit architectures of OBCs employed in bi-directional electric vehicles. We delve into the intricacies of rectifiers, switching converters, and the application of advanced control and filtering technologies. Our analysis extends to the implications of these circuit architectures on aspects such as voltage regulation capability, energy efficiency, and thermal management. Furthermore, we address the broader significance of these developments in the integration of bidirectional systems, which are driving advances in circuit architectures to better harness the energy flexibility of electric vehicles. We emphasize the critical role of bi-directional electric vehicles in the transition toward a smart and sustainable energy grid. To enhance accessibility for a diverse readership, we will provide concise definitions or explanations for technical terms used throughout the paper, ensuring that our work is approachable even for those who may not be experts in the field.

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025

ESTUDO DE CONVERSORES ESTÁTICOS CA-CA MONOFÁSICOS E TRIFÁSICOS BASEADOS NO PRINCÍPIO DO CAPACITOR CHAVEADO Mauricio Dalla Vecchia, Telles Brunelli Lazzarin, Ivo Barbi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil

 ESTUDO DE CONVERSORES ESTÁTICOS CA-CA MONOFÁSICOS ETRIFÁSICOS BASEADOS NO PRINCÍPIO DO CAPACITOR CHAVEADO Mauricio Dalla Vecchia, Telles Brunelli Lazzarin, Ivo BarbiUniversidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis – SC, Brasil e-mail:,, 

 Resumo – Este artigo apresenta uma célula básica bidirecional a capacitor chaveado para a conversão direta CA-CA. A partir desta célula são discutidas duas topologias CA-CA, uma monofásica e outra trifásica, e proposta uma terceira topologia CA-CA trifásica com número de interruptores reduzido, denominada deltaaberto. Essas topologias utilizam apenas capacitores e interruptores no estágio de potência, apresentam ganho fixo, operam em malha aberta, com valores constantes de razão cíclica e frequência, apresentam alta eficiência e elevada densidade de potência, típicas características de capacitores chaveados. A principal vantagem das topologias abordadas é a não utilização de elementos indutivos no circuito de potência, o que reduz significativamente o volume e peso da estrutura. Os conversores são adequados para a implementação de transformadores eletrônicos e possuem potencial para substituir o autotransformador em aplicações residenciais, comerciais e industriais. Estudo, análise e comprovação experimental são apresentados para os seguintes conversores: monofásico de 1 kW, trifásico de 6 kW e trifásico com conexão delta-aberto de 3,5 kW, todos para 220 V/110 V. As topologias operam com uma frequência de comutação de 100 kHz. Resultados experimentais expressivos, como eficiência em torno de 93 % em plena carga, são apresentados e comprovam o potencial de aplicação das topologias.

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

Simple Method to Estimate Battery Lifetime and Upkeep of Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion Batteries-Pedro C. Bolsi 1,2, Edemar O. Prado 1,2, Romario J. Nazaré 2, Hamiltom C. Sartori 1, José R. Pinheiro 1,2 1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS, Brasil 2Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador - BA, Brasil


Simple Method to Estimate Battery Lifetime and Upkeep of Lead-Acid and Lithium-Ion Batteries

 Pedro C. Bolsi 1,2, Edemar O. Prado 1,2, Romario J. Nazaré 2, Hamiltom C. Sartori 1, José R. Pinheiro 1,2 

1Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS, Brasil 

2Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador - BA, Brasil


 ABSTRACT This work provides an event-oriented method to model and predict the lifetime of leadacid and lithium-iron phosphate batteries. An ampere-hour integration method is proposed to be used in conjunction with the event-oriented method to achieve higher accuracy. The methods are applied to lead acid and lithium-iron phosphate batteries on a commercial 1 kW single-office/home-office uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Additional circuits for measurements, or microprocessors are avoided to not increase the UPS cost, reducing its market competitiveness. The usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by an upkeep analysis based on the cost of the battery and the service time for each battery technology.



Design of Uninterruptible Power Supply Inverters for Different Modulation Techniques Using Pareto Front for Cost and Efficiency Optimization-Edemar O. Prado , Pedro C. Bolsi , Hamiltom C. Sartori and José R. Pinheiro-BRASIL

Design of Uninterruptible Power Supply Inverters for Different Modulation Techniques Using Pareto Front for Cost and Efficiency Optimization Edemar O. Prado 1,2,* , Pedro C. Bolsi 1,2 , Hamiltom C. Sartori 2 and José R. Pinheiro 1,2 

 1 Energy Efficiency Lab, LABEFEA, Federal University of Bahia, Salvador 40170-110, BA, Brazil 
2 Power Electronics and Control Research Group, GEPOC, Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria 97105-900, RS, Brazil * Correspondence: 

 Abstract: This work presents a design for uninterruptible power supply inverters using Pareto front optimization for improved cost and efficiency. Three PWM modulation techniques applied to the full-bridge inverter are analyzed. As a result, the best MOSFET design solution in terms of the cost and efficiency of the inverter is evaluated based on a database with 47 power MOSFETs. Using the Pareto front, the optimal and sub-optimal solutions are compared, considering the three modulation techniques and the characteristics of MOSFETs manufactured for different voltage levels. Thermal and electrical measurements are used to validate the models.

LCL filter based high power density AC/DC converter for fast charging applications-Nguyen Dinh Tuyen, Nguyen Van Minh Tam, Truong Phuoc Hoa Department of Power Delivery, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology

 Journal homepage: LCL filter based high power density AC/DC converter for fast charging applications Nguyen Dinh Tuyen, Nguyen Van Minh Tam, Truong Phuoc Hoa

 Department of Power Delivery, Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam National University (VNU), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

 ABSTRACT This paper introduces a LCL filter design tailored for a 40 kW three-phase grid-connected converter utilized in electric vehicle onboard fast chargers. In contrast to conventional filters, the LCL filter finds extensive application in AC/DC converters for power factor correction, thanks to its enhanced harmonic reduction and improved stability of the system. The parameters of LCL filter are devised based on considerations such as the system’s power, the frequency of the alternating current (AC) input, and the PWM frequency, determined through simulation and comprehensive theoretical analysis. By implementing a dual-current closed-loop control strategy, the system ensures a robust response for both the current on the AC side of the converter and the voltage on the direct current (DC) side. The analysis of the system’s performance includes rapid dynamic response, system efficiency, AC current harmonic, and DC ripple voltage. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the proposed design for the LCL filter.

A single-stage full bridgeless boost half-bridge AC/DC converter with bidirectional switch Mohamad Affan Bin Mohd Noh1, Mohd Rodhi Bin Sahid2, Vinesh Thiruchelvam3 1,3School of Engineering, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia 1,2School of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol. 12, No. 4, December 2021, pp. 2336~2348 ISSN: 2088-8694, DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v12.i4.pp2336-2348 

A single-stage full bridgeless boost half-bridge AC/DC converter with bidirectional switch Mohamad Affan Bin Mohd Noh1, Mohd Rodhi Bin Sahid2, Vinesh Thiruchelvam3 1,3School of Engineering, Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia 1,2School of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia 

 Article history: Received Mar 22, 2021 Revised Oct 18, 2021 Accepted Oct 25, 2021 This paper proposed an isolated full bridgeless single stage alternating current-direct current (AC-DC) converter. The proposed converter integrates the operation of a pure bridgeless power factor correction with input boost inductor cascaded with center-tap transformer and half bridge circuit. In addition, the bidirectional switch can be driven with single control signal which further simplifies the controller circuit. It was proven that this converter reduced the total number of components compared to some conventional circuit and semi-bridgeless circuit topologies. The circuit operation of the proposed circuit was then confirmed with the small signal model, large signal model, circuit simulation and then verified experimentally. It was designed and tested at 115 Vac, 50 Hz of input supply, and 20 Vdc output voltage with maximum output power of 100 W. In addition, the crossover distortion at the input current was minimized at high input line frequency.

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025

Paralelismo de inversores de tensão aplicado a Nobreaks: teoria, estratégias de controle e exemplo de projeto-Autor: Telles B. Lazzarin Ano: 2012 - INSTITUTO FEDERAL SANTA CATARINA-BRASIL


President of the Brazilian Association of Power Electronics (SOBRAEP) Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering at UFSC (PPGEEL) Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Santa Catarina, Brazil.


quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

An Active AC Grid to DC Microgrid Interface Using a Bidirectional Bridgeless Flyback Converter Pablo J. Quintana-Barcia*, Jorge Garcia, Manuel Rico-Secades and Emilio L. Corominas University of Oviedo, Department of Electrical, Electronic, Computers and Systems Engineering, Spain

 An Active AC Grid to DC Microgrid Interface Using a Bidirectional Bridgeless Flyback Converter Pablo J. Quintana-Barcia*, 

 Abstract The usage of power electronics in power systems is one of the key techniques for boosting the development of microgrids. Particularly, in the case of public lighting systems, power electronics converters are applied to both the LED driving stage and the grid interfacing stage. From the point of view of the grid, the latter stage usually behaves as a high power factor (PF) load. However, recent trends in these systems imply a manifold of different storage and renewable energy microgeneration units connected to the DC bus of each street lamp. All together are usually known as lighting smartgrids. The present work aims for keeping the DC bus stable, injecting or extracting energy whereas maintaining high PF with respect to the AC grid. This idea is performed by means of a power droop control that provides the current reference to the grid-tie power converter: a bidirectional bridgeless discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) Flyback converter. This paper defines, explains and implements a power droop control as well as a novel unified switching pattern for the bidirectional DCM Flyback converter, suitable for both inverter and rectifier operating modes. Another contribution is that the proposed switching pattern enables for a smooth transition between these modes. The proposed strategy provides the pulses for every switch at the interfacing stage in the adequate sequence, thus simplifying the design and implementation of the power and control stages. The proposed switching pattern is validated through experimental results.


Input Stage with Double Functionality Applied to a High Performance Three-Phase UPS William A. Venturini, Henrique Jank, Fábio E. Bisogno, Mário L. S. Martins, Humberto Pinheiro ESTÁGIO DE ENTRADA COM DUPLA FUNCIONALIDADE APLICADO A UMA UPS TRIFÁSICA DE ALTO DESEMPENHO William A. Venturini, Henrique Jank, Fábio E. Bisogno, Mário L. S. Martins, Humberto Pinheiro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria – RS, Brasil


Desempenho Input Stage with Double Functionality Applied to a High Performance Three-Phase UPS William A. Venturini, Henrique Jank, Fábio E. Bisogno, Mário L. S. Martins, Humberto Pinheiro ESTÁGIO DE ENTRADA COM DUPLA FUNCIONALIDADE APLICADO A UMA UPS TRIFÁSICA DE ALTO DESEMPENHO William A. Venturini, Henrique Jank, Fábio E. Bisogno, Mário L. S. Martins, Humberto Pinheiro Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria – RS, Brasil e-mail: {williamventurini, hiquejank, fbisogno, mariolsm,}

 Resumo – Este trabalho apresenta uma configuração topológica que permite utilizar o estágio de entrada de uma UPS de dupla conversão como retificador trifásico, em modo normal de operação, e como conversor CC/CC elevador de tensão, em modo bateria. Dessa forma, evita-se o uso de um circuito específico para a descarga do banco de baterias, o qual deve ser dimensionado para a potência nominal da UPS. É apresentada a análise de funcionamento do estágio de entrada proposto, bem como a modelagem matemática e o sistema de controle que garantem a aplicabilidade na correção do fator de potência de entrada, no controle da tensão de barramento e ainda no equilíbrio das tensões sobre os capacitores de barramento. A metodologia desenvolvida e a boa performance do sistema proposto são validados através de resultados obtidos em uma plataforma hardware-in-theloop, modelo Typhoon HIL402. Os resultados são adquiridos para uma UPS trifásica de 20 kVA. 

INPUT STAGE WITH DOUBLE FUNCTIONALITY APPLIED TO A HIGH PERFORMANCE THREE-PHASE UPS Abstract – This work presents a topological configuration that allows the input stage of a double conversion UPS to be used as a three-phase rectifier and a DC/DC voltage boost converter in normal and backup operating mode, respectively. Thus, the use of a specific circuit for the discharge of the battery bank, which would be rated for UPS nominal power, is avoided. The operation analysis of the proposed input stage is presented, as well as the mathematical modeling and the control system that guarantee the applicability in the input power factor correction, DC bus voltage control and for the DC bus capacitors voltage balance. Hardware-in-the-loop results are acquired for a 20 kVA three-phase UPS to validate the developed analysis besides to demonstrate the good performance of the system.

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025

Isolated Single-stage Three-phase AC/DC Converter using Bidirectional Switches Ramandeep Narwal† , Isaac Wongx , Subhashish Bhattacharya‡ , B. Jayant Baliga§ and Douglas C. Hopkins∗ FREEDM Systems Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State Univers


Isolated Single-stage Three-phase AC/DC Converter using Bidirectional Switches Ramandeep Narwal† , Isaac Wongx , Subhashish Bhattacharya‡ , B. Jayant Baliga§ and Douglas C. Hopkins∗ FREEDM Systems Center, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC 27695, USA

 Abstract—The advent of the SiC Bidirectional FET (BiDFET), a monolithic 1.2 kV bidirectional switch, has rendered the single-stage three-phase AC/DC converter topology a promising approach for implementing AC/DC converters. This topology, which integrates a full-bridge converter with a single-phase to three-phase matrix converter via a high-frequency transformer, is particularly suitable for applications requiring galvanic isolation, buck-boost functionality, and bidirectional power flow. The single-stage design eliminates the need for bulky and unreliable electrolytic capacitors, and utilizes a single magnetic component for power transfer. In the matrix converter, bidirectional switches, which were traditionally implemented using combinations of multiple semiconductor devices such as MOSFETs, IGBTs, and diodes, can now be realized using the single-chip solution, BiDFET. This advancement leads to a lower switch count, compact converter implementation, with lower inductance commutation cells, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency and compactness of the system. The paper presents a unified model of the converter, considering all control parameters, including the duty cycles and phase shift of transformer voltages. Detailed expressions for power transfer, transformer currents, and currents at AC and DC ports are provided. Additionally, the paper outlines the conditions necessary for soft-switching of all switches and the commutation schemes required for the practical implementation of the matrix converter modulation scheme. A hardware prototype of a 10 kW, 480 VRMS, LL/ 800 V AC/DC system has been developed, and experimental results are presented to demonstrate its performance.


Planar Transformer Systems for Modular Power Electronics in Long-Haul, Low-Cost PV Systems-Mike K. Ranjram Title: Assistant Professor-Arizona State University


Planar Transformer Systems for Modular Power Electronics in Long-Haul, Low-Cost PV Systems Mike K. Ranjram Title: Assistant Professor-Arizona State University

 Background The aim of this project is to develop and verify a new approach to designing medium-voltage (MV) planar transformers for emerging, utility-scale, modular PV systems. This approach considers these MV planar transformers as systems rather than as components. This means they can comprise multiple individual magnetic cores and printed circuit boards (PCBs) which can be distinctly organized both electrically and physically to achieve maximum performance. Central to this approach is that lowcomplexity winding stack-ups are leveraged which simplify primary-to-secondary insulation requirements, mitigate the need for interleaved windings, and aid in streamlining manufacturing and greatly reducing cost. Additionally, these systems dramatically expand the available material choices for the PCB by significantly reducing their required dielectric strength. This is a key driver of low-cost PCBs and mitigates sensitivity to supply chain changes in any particular material. The three key aspects of a medium voltage planar transformer in a solar PV application are its: (1) isolation capability, (2) cost, and (3) loss. This project comprehensively explores each of these three facets and we ultimately advance planar transformers having higher isolation capability, much lower cost, and lower loss than the state-of-the-art, at a comparable and lower volume. In this section, we provide background on each of these three key facets of the design.

Design and Qualification of a 100 kW Three-Phase SiC-Based Generator Rectifier Unit Rated for 50,000 ft Altitude Jiewen Hu, Member, IEEE, Xingchen Zhao, Student Member, IEEE, Lakshmi Ravi, Student Member, IEEE, Rolando Burgos, Senior Member, IEEE, Dong Dong,

Design and Qualification of a 100 kW Three-Phase SiC-Based Generator Rectifier Unit Rated for 50,000 ft Altitude Jiewen Hu, Member, IEEE, Xingchen Zhao, Student Member, IEEE, Lakshmi Ravi, Student Member, IEEE, Rolando Burgos, Senior Member, IEEE, Dong Dong, Senior Member, IEEE, Richard Eddins, Sriram Chandrasekaran and Saeed Alipour 

Abstract—Featuring higher blocking voltage, smaller parasitic elements, faster switching speed, and a more compact package, wide-bandgap semiconductor devices like Silicon Carbide devices (SiC), can enable compact aircraft generator-rectifier units (GRUs) thus making them highly desirable. Yet, the combination of the increased voltages, high power density, and the lower pressure environment associated with aircrafts can pose a significant threat to the converter operation due to the increased sensitivity to electric field (E-field) intensity inside the GRU components and their assembly. To this end, a comprehensive design and qualification of a 100 kW three-phase SiC-based GRU rated for a flight altitude of 50,000 ft (11.6 kPa) is presented in this paper. First, an insulation coordination that based on Paschen-curve is proposed to improve the power density. High E-field areas of the GRU are determined and preemptively solved with the use of an E-field control methodology to prevent partial discharge (PD) under normal operating conditions. Second, the gate-driver and EMI filter components are optimized for operation at 70 kHz. Finally, the insulation design is qualified through low-pressure PD tests, and it is verified that the unit successfully operates at rated conditions to achieve 33.3 kW/l power density, 99.2 % efficiency, and PD-free operation at 50,000 ft.

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2025

Optimal Design of MHz LLC Converter for 48V Bus Converter Application Yinsong Cai, Student Member, IEEE, Mohamed H. Ahmed, Student Member, IEEE, Qiang Li, Member, IEEE, and Fred C. Lee, Life Fellow, IEEE

Optimal Design of MHz LLC Converter for 48V Bus Converter Application Yinsong Cai, Student Member, IEEE, Mohamed H. Ahmed, Student Member, IEEE, Qiang Li, Member, IEEE, and Fred C. Lee, Life Fellow, IEEE

 Abstract—Intermediate bus architecture employing 48V bus converters is widely used in power supply applications. With the rapid increase of demanded power by these loads, higher efficiency and power density are driving better performance power management solutions. In this paper, a Gallium Nitride (GaN) based design of a two-stage solution is proposed. The first stage is a multi-phase Buck for regulation. The second stage is an LLC converter with fixed switching frequency for isolation. The detailed design and optimization of the LLC converter are studied. To achieve high power density and high efficiency, the transformer design becomes critical at MHz frequency. The matrix transformer concept is applied and a merged winding structure is used for flux cancellation, which effectively reduces the AC winding losses. A novel primary termination and via structure is proposed, resulting in great loss reduction. In addition, to study the current sharing of parallel winding layers, a 1-Dimensional analytic model is proposed, and a symmetrical winding layer scheme is used to balance the current distribution. Finally, the prototype for the two-stage bus converter is developed, with the peak efficiency of 96% and power density of 615W/in3.

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2025

Twelve-Step Voltage Source Inverter: A Three-Phase Six-Levels Inverter Using Planar Transformers Haitham KANAKRI, Euzeli Cipriano DOS SANTOS JR., and Maher RIZKALLA


Twelve-Step Voltage Source Inverter: A Three-Phase Six-Levels Inverter Using Planar Transformers Haitham KANAKRI, Euzeli Cipriano DOS SANTOS JR., and Maher RIZKALLA 

 Abstract—Multi-level inverters (MLIs) are becoming increasingly popular in high-speed motor drive systems for modern electric aircraft applications. However, two significant limitations are associated with current MLIs technology: (1) the high switching losses due to the high carrier switching frequency and (2) the complex modulation schemes required to maximize the DC source utilization. Consequently, the development of new topologies to mitigate these limitations is imperative for the rapid advancement of future electric aircraft systems. This paper introduces a six-level twelve-step inverter (TSI) that utilizes twelve switches and three planar high-frequency transformers. Implementing the proposed configuration ensures maximum DC source utilization, with a peak phase voltage of 5Vdc / 3. The proposed solution presents less semiconductor losses than the conventional MLIs, surpassing conventional MLIs, associated with neutral point clamped (NPC), flying capacitor (FC), and cascaded H-bridge (CHB). Experimental results demonstrate the TSI’s operation under static and dynamic conditions and its capability to function in three different modes: three-step, six-step, and twelve-step operations. The paper also offers a comprehensive design of the proposed planar transformer, supported by theoretical analysis, finite element analysis (FEA), and experimental validation.

VIEW FULL TEXT WEB: Page 263-273

Design and Analysis of a Three-Phase High-Frequency Transformer for Three-Phase Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter Using Superposition Theorem-by Yasir S. Dira ,Ahmad Q. Ramli ,Nadia M. L. Tan,and Giampaolo Buticchi


Design and Analysis of a Three-Phase High-Frequency Transformer for Three-Phase Bidirectional Isolated DC-DC Converter Using Superposition Theorem-by Yasir S. Dira ,Ahmad Q. Ramli ,Nadia M. L. Tan,and Giampaolo Buticchi Institute of Power Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Kajang 43000, Malaysia; (Y.S.D.); (A.Q.R.) 2 Key Laboratory of More Electric Aircraft Technology of Zhejiang Province, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo 315100, China 

 Abstract: Battery energy storage systems based on bidirectional isolated DC-DC converters (BIDCs) have been employed to level the output power of intermittent renewable energy generators and to supply power to electric vehicles. Moreover, BIDCs use high-frequency transformers (HFTs) to achieve voltage matching and galvanic isolation. Various studies have recently been conducted using soft magnetic materials, such as nanocrystalline, amorphous solids, and ferrite, to develop more compact and effective transformers with superior power densities. The HFTs in three-phase BIDCs are composed of three magnetic cores. However, this leads to low power density and high cost. Besides, the three-phase (3P) ferrite core has not been investigated for high-power converters such as 3P-BIDCs. This paper presents the design and development of a 3P-EE ferrite magnetic core for 3P-BIDCs. The area product design method was used to determine the core and winding design. The paper also proposes the use of the superposition theorem in conducting a magnetic circuit analysis to predict the flux density and magnetising inductance of the transformer core. Moreover, the use of the superposition theorem allowed the required air-gap length for balancing the distribution of flux density and magnetizing inductance in the transformer core to be determined. The balanced flux distribution and magnetizing inductance resulted in a uniform core loss and temperature in the transformer. This paper also presents the experimental results of the designed HFT operated in a 300-V, 3-kW 3P-BIDC. The experimental results showed that the proposed HFT achieved a balanced flux density and magnetizing inductance with a high power density and low cost. Moreover, the transformer performed at a maximum efficiency of 98.67%, with a decrease of 3.33 ◦C in the overall temperature of the transformer as compared to the transformer without air gaps.

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2025

Power Losses Analysis of Multiphase Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter using OrCAD PSpiceSoftware-A.A.Bakar Department of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia-T.Sithananthan Department of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

2024 IEEE 4th International Conference in Power Engineering Applications (ICPEA), 4-5 March 2024

 Power Losses Analysis of Multiphase Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter using OrCADPSpiceSoftware 

A.A.Bakar Department of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Johor, Malaysia S.SaimanDepartment of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Johor, MalaysiaT.SithananthanDepartment of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Johor, Malaysia A.F.H.A.Gani Department of Electrical Engineering Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Johor, Malaysia

 Abstract—DC-DC converters with multiphase structures are widely used in electrical and electronic devices because of their advantages over conventional boost converters, such as reduction in input current ripple and low conduction loss. As technology advances, more delicate needs have to be fulfilled for better load performance. Traditional boost converters are still feasible but with certain drawbacks, such as high current ripples, significant switching losses, and high switch voltage stresses. This paper presents a novel multiphase DC-DC boost converter, with an output power range between 50 Watts to 200 Watts. The number of phases for this multiphase boost converter is limited to 5-phase. This paper focuses on power losses in the converter, namely conduction losses in diodes and MOSFET, switching losses in MOSFETs, as well as losses in inductors and capacitors. The discussion includes an analysis of the relationships between multiphase boost converters in terms of the number of phases and power loss. Simulation results show that the 3-phase DC-DC boost converter contributed to the least losses (at P=200 Watts) with the efficiency of 94.09 %, in addition to the smaller number of components used; by comparison between 3-phase and 4-phase. The performance analysis was done using OrCAD PSpice software.


The Analysis and Comparison of Leakage Inductance in Different Winding Arrangements for Planar Transformer Ziwei Ouyang, Ole C. Thomsen, Michael A. E. Andersen Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark


The Analysis and Comparison of Leakage Inductance in Different Winding Arrangements for Planar Transformer Ziwei Ouyang, Ole C. Thomsen, Michael A. E. Andersen Department of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

 Abstract -- The coupling of the windings can be easily increased by using multiply stacked planar windings connection. Interleaving is a well-known technique used to reduce leakage inductance and minimize high-frequency winding losses. The paper aims to analyze leakage inductance based on magneto motive force (MMF) and energy distribution in planar transformer and correct the formula of leakage inductance proposed by previous publications. The investigation of different winding arrangements shows significant advantages of interleaving structure. In this work, a novel half turn structure is proposed to reduce leakage inductance further. Some important issues are presented to acquire desired leakage inductance. The design and modeling of 1 kW planar transformer is presented. In order to verify the analytical method for leakage inductance in this paper, finite element analysis (FEA) and measurement with impedance analyzer are presented. Good matching between calculation, FEA 2D simulation and measurement results is achieved.

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2025

DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF UPS FOR MARINE POWER SYSTEMS-V. Samsygin1, D. Sokolov, D. Ulitovsky, M. Sergeev, A. Martynov - TSNII SET Branch, Krylov State Research Centre, St. Petersburg, Russia 2 St. Petersburg University of Aerospace Engineering, Russia

Object and purpose of research. This paper discusses uninterruptable power supplies (UPS) developed by TSNII SET for marine power systems. The purpose of the study is to compare the results of UPS developments and outline the directions of their further improvement. For citation:Samsygin V.K., Sokolov D.V., Ulitovsky D.I., Sergeev M.Yu., Martynov A.A. Development and co- Building of uninterruptible power supplies for marine power supply systems. Proceedings of the Krylov State Research Center. 2019; 2(388): 101–111.
Труды Крыловского государственного научного центра. Т. 2, № 388. 2019
Transactions of the Krylov State Research Centre. Vol. 2, no. 388. 2019

WELDING INVERTER CONTROL FOR ELECTRIC WELDING OF HIGH-PRESSURE PIPES V.S. Savchuk A.S. Plekhov Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


V.S. Savchuk ORCID: 0000-0002-2281-6612 e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia A.S. Plekhov e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia 

 Abstract. The paper presents a development of control system for an electric arc welding installation based on the analysis of thermal processes and algorithms developed by the authors for controlling the operating modes of the power supply. Mathematical and simulation models of welding processes with control functions of pulsed welding modes are used. The electrothermal factors influencing the process of forming a weld are considered. A method for controlling the current pulses of the welding arc is proposed.



 ORCID: 0000-0002-9928-5354 e-mail: Smolensk branch of «National Research University «MPEI» Smolensk, Russia 

 Abstract. The paper examines a distributed control system for power converters in a microgrid with a DC bus and the integrated use of renewable energy power sources. A comparative analysis of the main methods for implementing distributed control is provided. The concept of power and energy flow control is presented, within which the DC bus voltage is used as the only means of communication between the controlled components of the microgrid, and which allows for independent control of the operation of several sources, including renewable ones, in one microgrid, considering their priority. An algorithm that implements the presented five-state control concept is shown. Models and operating modes of power converters of sources and storage devices that implement the presented control concept are considered. To demonstrate the operation of the control algorithm based on the bus voltage level, simulation of a microgrid with a DC bus, three sources and a load was carried out in the Simulink (Matlab). In this case, a simplified model was used, which did not consider transient effects when switching converters, inductance, and capacitance of transmission lines. The results of modeling a microgrid with transitions between several operating states are presented. In each state, power balance and a stable voltage level are ensured, which confirms the performance of the proposed control strategy. The presented concept makes it possible to implement operating modes of sources depending on their priority, which is especially important for renewable energy sources, while several sources can operate in each state, and the use of a DC bus as a communication channel ensures maximum simplicity and reliability of the system.

quarta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2025

CHARACTERIZATION OF MAGNETIC PERMEABILITY OF STEEL PLATES PACKAGE IN DIRECTION OF NORMAL MAGNETIC FLUX E.V. Kalinin e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia A.I. Chivenkov ORCID: 0000-0001-7578-8232 e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


E.V. Kalinin e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia A.I. Chivenkov ORCID: 0000-0001-7578-8232 e-mail: Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Abstract. The paper presents the possibilities of determining the magnetic permeability µn = µ0 ·µn' from the normal component of the magnetic flux Фn. It is necessary for 3D calculations of additional eddy current losses in laminated cores of high-power electric power devices. It is shown that it is unjustified to use the concepts of a layered magnetic circuit with a stacking factor Кз presented in well-known studies, when due to the asymptotic nature of the dependence µn(Кз), an inaccuracy in determining the Кз by 1% leads to a change in the value µn by 100% or more. An energy approach is proposed – through а specific eddy currents loss pe from the action of the flow Фn in packages of rectangular plates and analytical expressions linking µn with losses pe and the dynamics parameter ξ in conditions of a sharp skin effect. The relative permeability values µn' were determined using the wattmeter method at a frequency f = 50 Hz with an amplitude of magnetic induction Bm ≤ 0,1 T on samples of cold-rolled steels (40x80) mm: 08PS grade with thickness d = 0.91 mm without insulating coating and with non-magnetic gaskets of various thicknesses in the range of Kз = (0.9…1.0) – µn' ≥ (90…100); transformer steel grade 3406, d = 0.3mm coated (Kз = 0.96) – µn' ≥ 60.