The High-temperature SiC Power Module was first marketed via a public press
release and floor demonstration at CEATEC 2008 (Combined Exhibition of
Advanced Technologies), Japan’s premiere electronics trade show. CEATEC took
place September 30–October 4, 2008, in Makuhari, Japan.
Product’s Primary Function
Power electronics modules are the core components of all power electronics
systems. In essence, power electronics systems convert electrical energy from
one form (provided by a source) into another form (consumed by a load). They are
required to drive electric motors (such as those for electric and hybrid vehicles),
convert energy from renewable sources (i.e., solar arrays or wind generators), and
provide power for a wide variety of electronics and electronic systems (DC power
supplies and inverters).
With applications in hybrid and electric vehicles, renewable energy interfaces,
and more-electric aircraft, it reduces size and volume of power electronic
systems by an order of magnitude over present state-of-the-art silicon-based
solutions while simultaneously reducing energy loss by greater than 50 percent and
offering the potential to save $100s of millions.
Our team’s high-temperature silicon carbide power module is the world’s first
commercial high-temperature (250°C) silicon carbide-based power electronics
module. The 50 kW (kilowatt) (1200 V (volt) /150 A (ampere) peak) silicon carbide
(SiC) power modules are rated up to 250°C junction temperature and integrate
high-temperature gate drivers.
Figure 9.1. Exploded view of the high-temperature SiC half-bridge power module.